Healing to the soul

Apparently, I discovered that the feeling that has to do with being the recipient of an act love heals faster than anything, it's that feeling that makes people better because love have to do with emotions and emotions has it own impact to humanity.

Some people say they woke up at the wrong side of their bed that's why maybe they're acting angrily, now that's the influence of our emotions on our daily life but unfortunately, this kind of emotional is not triggered by our efforts, it's autonomic but we can definitely help that situation by engaging in activities that brightens our emotions. I've seen people that unnecessarily act angrily sometimes, sometime I myself act that way, but I assure you, just an act of love can heal that burning anger.

Medically, Sometimes people's immune system tends to fight disease better when they're at an excited state, it's the thing with being happy and being sad. Most people just feel down because they're are unhappy and of course love is the center of true happiness so that's just a sign that they are in need of love 💕.

Sometimes I wander why I'd just feel good, I usually think it's the feeling of achievement but if I check around, i'w find out that it's the feeling of being Loved. There's this unconsciously feeling of being loved, that's the healing power of love. At this state, you can easily forgive people, help others and even show others love yeah because love triggers love, so it's like a system that flows.

The feeling of love and happiness Flows indeed, in one way or the other we have received the act of love from our friends and family, it would be unfair to keep that feeling to ourselves without passing it to others, that's why it's a system that flows.

Coming down to the love of God, it heals more than anything, just being conscious of God's love stimulates unusual happiness, and the fact is that God's love is unending so that feeling of happiness should be a part of us.

Showing others love is really of great importance, it can change someone's mode which will definitely affect the kind of decisions that person would make, and most of all, many people out there are suffering the pain of being hurt by others, it's our responsibility to administer healing to them by showing them love, and it's normal for humans to understand love by actions of their lover, so we'd mostly show people love through our actions, the way we respond and the way we relate with them.

In summary, love heals indeed, the broken heart, those emotionally down and people in pains, they all need that feeling of love, the feeling that they're cared for, sometimes it's nothing to us but it's definitely something to them. Making people around us happy should be our lifestyle because it doesn't cost anything and it's of course a cool way of life, don't forget that what goes around they say, comes around so when we show love to others, we get loved in return.

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