It was a beautiful and bright morning, Alex has once again woken up into his confused world, ever since his 15th birthday he could no longer make sense of anything that happens around him and beyond,he felt like his memory kept on reshuffling at random.
3 years ago, when Alex just turned 15, during his birthday celebration something strange happened, while everyone else was dancing, drinking and celebrating, Alex began to have an episode, he started having a massive headache like his head was going to explode, soon everything and everyone froze up, it was like the time stopped, everything and everyone at the time neither moved nor made any noise, it was as quiet as a grave yard. Meanwhile, Alex alone wasn't affected by this event, it all seemed very strange to him, he has never seen such a thing before in his entire life. A few seconds later, a bright white light speedily filled the atmosphere like some kind of portal, it pulled Alex to some place else.
Alex felt dizzy and threw up for a while then slowly he began to recover, After a while, when Alex was feeling better, he looked up and there was a great fug that covered the atmosphere there, but Alex didn't care about the fug, he knew he was seeing something amidst the fug but it wasn't clear, so Alex slowly approached the figure.
Then Alex saw a mirage of himself, only this time, they were three of him existing at once,
Each with different personalities, one was in a white attire, another with a black then he himself was half naked.
Alex was in shock,he couldn't make sense of any of what he's seeing,he was quietly watching his mirages, trying to make sense of what was going on, but they just stood like statues, they didn't move nor say a word.
Alex panicked and tried to call out to his parents for help but the only response he got were the echoes of this own voice, he was terrified.
A little bit later he started closing in on the other mirages, unknowing to him,he wasn't supposed to go to the middle of the two mirage he's seeing, he was meant to stand in front of the figure he admired most, that way he automatically claims it. But Alex ignorantly crossed over to the middle of the two mirages, just immediately, there was trembling in the whole place, lightening striking at random, there was also a bright red light that seems alive, then the two mirages came alive and with great speed
combined with both the lightening and the red light. In that same instance, Alexs' eyes glowed in gold, and he began to levitate like he was surfing the air. Soon he absorbed the whole thing through a portal that opened in his chest, then he fell down to the ground.
Upon reaching the ground,he came back into the exact moment in his birthday where everything began, like nothing happened, every one was still dancing, drinking and celebrating.
He touched his chest and there was a mark left like a scar on it, So he began to look for his parents wanting to share the incidence, he was feeling dizzy but he hoped he could talk to either his mom or his dad before he goes to rest. When he found his mom and went up to talk with her, the music playing was too loud so she couldn't hear him clearly she advised him to find the father outside to tell him what he has to say.
He staggered outside, his mom thought he has had too much to drink, so she didn't bother asking any questions.
When Alex found his dad, he also found that he was already drunk with his friends. Upon sight of this, Alex was even more disappointed and soon he began to zone out slowly, he barely manage to find the
way to his room, then he passed out.
Alex woke up the next morning, hearing his dad voice he found out that his parents had a visitor, they shared a bottle of wine as they discussed.
Alex decided to listen to find out why there was a stranger in the house, but his parents seemed to know this stranger very well.
Stranger(Saberth): Alex emerged as a hybrid last night and you know the rules, every hybrid must be killed before they Grow stronger.
Alexs' mum Taían: That's impossible, there hasn't been any hybrid in the last 7 generations, how can you come into my home and declare my son a hybrid.
Alexs' dad Garfield: Listen man I and my wife are of the same mutant category our son Alex can not be a hybrid, besides no mutant ever gets their encounter until the night of their 18th birthday after which they fully manifest their powers 2-4years later.
Stranger (saberth): (Angrily) You fools have failed to prepare your son for the great encounter,no wonder he emerged a hybrid.
Taían (sobs): How did things ever come to this, I've taught of different personalities Alex could choose during his encounter, the element of fire, light, water, steel, or even blood, but I never thought he'd choose a duo personality.
Garfield: My dad told me a story about a hybrid that once existed in the early 20s, she also emerged on her 15th birthday and not on the regular 18th birthday every mutant emerges, her name was Puma.
At this point Alex has heard enough already, with tears in his eyes he ran into his room, he kept on thinking how his parents kept such vital thing as a secret from him all the while,he grew mad and accidentally destroyed his mirror and the glasses in the window.
While his parents were still discussing and arguing, they heard a crash directly from Alexs' room, so Taían begged that saberth doesn't say a word to the head council, and that she has a plan she's sure would work.
Taían looked at her husband and said the only ways this thing ends is if Alex dies or if we combine our powers to wipe Alexs' mind and suppress his powers and then saberth would handle the rest.
Garfield: But that would kill us for sure, should we die now what becomes of Alex, what you're saying we should do is going to separate the combined personalities and he's going to be miserable until his at least 20
Years when his powers Begin to manifest slowly.
Taían: Do we rather sit here and do nothing to protect Alex?,if we don't do this now the council would feel the spark of unnatural powers inside him, they'll end him for sure. Let's do this for our baby.
They both went up to Alexs' room and wiped his memories, suppress his powers, therefore leaving Alex a broken little man.
After this act, they began to bleed from their noses, feeling light headed that they barely managed to find their way to a garden slightly far from their house, there they both died.
The following day Alex woke up in the streets, he wondered where he was and how he got there, the only thing left for him was his name ALEX tagged on his hoodie.
Meanwhile it was saberth that flew alex to LA all the way from Atlanta and dropped him a few blocks away from the gate that connect the realm of earth and the realm of the mystics where he hoped alex would end up safely.
Saberth left La and flew back to Atlanta, he didn't want the council to notice nor suspect he helped the hybrid.
Alex was out alone, wandering the streets through out the whole day.
Soon it was getting dark Alex managed to find a parking lot where he took some time to rest.
Early hours of the next day at about 5:30 am a bright light shines on Alexs'face, he quickly woke up and saw a security man standing directly above him, Alex thought he has gotten himself into a huge trouble.
The security says to Alex "little boy what are you doing sleeping next to my car, where are your parents?, don't you have a home?, Alex responded to all his questions by shaking his head saying no. The security man saw that Alex was scared and weary so he asked Alex into his car so he'd take him to his house to freshen up and have something to eat as well, Alex was glad someone was finally helping him.
Later that day after Alex finished eating and has showered, he asked the security man to take him back to the street that led to the parking lot where he found him. The security man wanted to refuse but changed his mind.
He went in and grabbed a lunch pack and gave to Alex and they set out to find the street.
After driving for a few minutes, they came across one abandoned factory, Alex was suddenly so interested in it, the security man couldn't help but notice Alexs' interest in the factory and warned alex to stay clear of the building that it was dangerous and that anyone who enters there dies a sudden death. But Alex was strong willed, he didn't care about the old mans story, all he knew is that he was meant to be there, but he didn't know why, Alex was determined to find out why he developed a sudden interest in a place he has never been before.
A few blocks after the factory, the security man pulled up and tells Alex that they have arrived at the street, so Alex alighted from the vehicle and thanked the security man for being so nice to him, so the man drove off, Alex waited until he couldn't see or hear the sound of the vehicle any more then Alex began to trace that factory, he walked down the exact way they came, he walked a little while before he found the factory.
On sight of this factory Alex was both happy and terrified because of the warnings from the security man, but something in him wanted him to be there, so Alex approached the factorys' gate and it wasn't locked so Alex proceeded into the factory.
Immediately he crossed the gate, it was as tho he left earth entirely, the whole place was so beautiful, everything about the place seemed magical. He finally got hold of himself tho he was still amazed and astonished by the sight of what he sees but he looked a bit further and found a whole bunch of people there like some sort of community.
Alex slowly approach the people when the leader of this place named Jace calls out to Alex saying "welcome to the mystics great one, we have long awaited your arrival".
Alex wasn't sure what the man was talking about so he chuckled and said you must be insane non of this makes any sense.
Jace asked Alex to walk with him that he has a lot to say to him.
Jace took Alex to a tomb, which was the most sacred place in the whole of the mystics, he explains that the tomb contains a prophecy.
According to the chronicles of Alphazah the sorcerer who founded the mystics, One day great doom will before the realm of earth and only a hybrid named Alex can assemble the mutants that will lead the realm of earth into victory.
Alex was short of words, he soon realized that this might be what drew him here. Jace continued his narrations while he led Alex out of the tomb, we have been preparing all our lives for the day of great doom, we weren't sure there was anymore hybrids left on earth, thank the Gods for sending us help.
Alex asked, what's a hybrid and how are you sure I'm a hybrid.
Jace chuckled and responded saying; only a hybrid could access the portal that separates the realm of earth from the realm of the mystics without a scratch on his body. Any other thing or person that tries, be it the strongest mutant or sorcerer on the earth and beyond, if the person doesn't bear the mark of the mystics, the person is disintegrated instantly upon contact with the portal.
You my friend have just walked through our Portal without even knowing what it was, you are a hybrid and you're Alex.
Alex stayed to learn everything he could in the mystics.
A few years has passed, Alex is now 21 years old, the seal his parents place on him began to disintegrate as Alex powers manifested slowly, all his lost memories came back to him.
He blamed himself for the death of his parents,he was broken for a few days after recovering his memories but Jace told him that things had to happen exactly that way so that the prophecy could manifest.
Soon Alex toughened up was ready enough to begin his personal task. According to the prophecy, he's the one to select the mutants that will fight along side him in the up coming war. Alex knew that if he was going to win the war, he needed all the help he can get especially from the council that wanted him dead back in Atlanta.
Jace knew that if Alex must find out the truth about the council, he needed to share his powers with Alex.
Jace had the ability to see deep into the heart of people like wise mutants, uncover their deepest secrets and compel them to confess it.
So Jace called Alex and shared his abilities with him, all alex needed to do was scream into the hearings of everyone, so Alex thanked Jace and set out for Atlanta.
Upon arrival, Alex went straight to the councils headquarters, luckily for him all council Members where present, they were just concluding a meeting when Alex walked in.
Alex didn't go there as a human, he went in his true form, A hybrid, his eyes were glowing in gold color, he was dressed in black and white attire with a Vail, he looked epic and heroic at the same time.
He was determined that whatever happens will be his fate cause he didn't know what the results of his actions will be.
As he stepped foot into the arena, where all the council members where, he roared and the whole place trembled, all the council members looked at him in shock, they all murmured saying impossible!!!, Impossible!!!, Impossible!!!, then they all bowed to pay respect to the hybrid.
All the rogue members of the council who had hands in evil stepped out, they all confessed, saying one thing;
The hybrid Puma kept the sit of power for only himself, we wanted a taste of this great power and control over all council members and to do this, we conspired and killed the hybrid Puma. It didn't just end there, for the past 7 generations, we monitored all mutants, no hybrid has survive the week of encounter, the moment a mutant emerges as a hybrid, an assassin is sent to wipe the hybrid and the entire family, it's the blood of hybrids that has kept us alive for so long, we've watched many council members grow old and die but we live life eternal so long as we drink the blood of descended hybrids.
The rest of the council members were shocked to hear such news, they voted to kill all the 6 rouge council members immediately.
Alex took his rightful place as the head of the council, they will now obey and do anything he commands of them.
Alex didn't want to use his power as the council head to force people to fight by his side in the up coming battle, so he announced that any strong mutant in the council that is willing to fight along side him in the great war should come back the next day for training and preparation for the war.
The next day about 70% of the council members shows up and Alex put people in charge of the training and preparation while he headed out to continue his mission.
Alex knew that this coming war was going to affect both the humans Alex proceeded to the humans.
He signed up with the biggest broadcasting news station just to pass across massage to everyone who watches the news.
He said, "People of earth, I bring you a great warning today, a great war is coming and this war is likely to claim the whole of what's left of the human race but there is something you can do, join me let us bring the Battle to the enemies, let us fight together as one, only then can we all survive this war.
If you're an abled soldier and You're willing to fight and defend the human race, as well as the race of other species out there, get ready, sharpen your swords, clean your pistols and rifles, and be ready, when the time comes you'll know.
Thank you for listening, Alex left the podium and went back to LA hoping that he did the right thing.
Soon this news circulated and reach the hearings of all humans across the globe.
The human united themselves and was ready for war.
The day of war approached slowly, everyone knew the war was coming but no one knew the day nor the hour at which the war breaks out, but one thing's for sure, alex has fufilled his own part of the prophecy or at least he thinks he has.
The day of war came, the sky turned blood red, zodiac gods descended into the different realms there was, both Earth and beyond, on sight of this Alex taps into his powers and his powers was amplified a million times what it always was, soon Alex fought and defeated each zodiac god one realm at a time.
After Alex defeated the last zodiac god, the sky returned to its original form, everyone was happy and they celebrated Alex for fighting for them.
Alex was amazed he reached out to the people through the same global broadcasting network he used before, this time he thanked them saying "i know it looks like I'm the one who won this battle, but it's because I had you all backing me up, when I first started this quest, the prophecy said I had to find the people that will fight along side with me, I thought y'all would go into extreme combat with what so ever initiates the war, it was on the day of the war when I tapped into my power, it was amplified by over a million percent, then I began to feel each and every one of you, it was your will to fight along side me that fueled my powers, I knew I wasn't fighting alone but you didn't have to be there physically but I want y'all to know something,
Y'all fought well!!!!!
Alex left the podium, the whole world was jubilating and celebrating they were happy and grateful for the Gift Of The Hybrid Alex, they Idolized Alex so much that each year, at the exact time of their victory they all gathered in the arena to celebrate THE DAY OF ALEX THE CONQUEROR.
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