My accomplishment on hive/cleaning post today 6/9/2024


Tell us, how have your hive journey been?
What is your greatest accomplishment in hive? and what major challenge are you facing?

Joining hive has been a greatest journey in my life. When i joined hive, it wasn't easy for me to explore because web3 is quite different from web2. Hive requires original long contents. Apart from that i made some mistakes and it wasn't easy for my post to get noticed. Honestly, i stoped writing for few months. But when i met with @ fokusnow last year September, he encouraged me to continue. That one's am persistent, i will definitely get noticed one day. Well, i heed to his advice and continued with my hive journey again. Guess what happened? I was privileged to joine the last hive campaign and after the campaign, i came out at number 40 in the leaderboard. Wow 😲😳!! I couldn't believe my eyes. That has been my greatest achievement here on hive. Besides that, i have meet with new friends from different places of the world, when i joined hive, i don't know what threading or threadcast is all about. But i got to know them through hive blockchain. I can comfortably thread now using inloe fronted including long post like this one you are reading now.

Before hive, i dont actually know the importance of x (Twitter) but hive has thought me the benefits of other social media platforms. That's to say, i have learned a lot throughout my stay on hive and still learning. All these mentioned above are my greatest achievements on hive. The word NFT, i heard it and it's explanations from hive. What a great achievement.

The major challenges am facing

My greatest challenge now is to learn how to upload videos on hive, learn everything about hive engine and how to swap tokens using hive engine. I have another pressing challenge which i just solved today which is becoming an inloe premium member. Another challenge am facing now is consistency. I have a lot things am doing which is taking almost all my time. And because of that, i find it difficult to post everyday on hive. But now that am a premium member, maybe that will motivate me to post everyday no matter how busy i am.

My cleaning post

I can't believe my eyes today. When i went out to carry out my cleaning post, i saw two ladies fighting. Hmmm, all was gossip. Now i know the power of gossip. This lady actually came back from where she was staying. Instead of her to think of what to do to sustain herself in this hard economy, she started gossiping with her new neighbors. One of them told her that since she left, her boyfriend has been befriending her girlfriend. She didn't make necessary inquiries all she did was to go and fight with her friend. At the end of the day, it wasn't true. Don't listen or accept any word you heard. And before taking actions, make findings. That will help you not to put yourself in trouble. So, after listening to them, i proceeded with my cleaning exercises.

It has been raining here since yesterday. Though everywhere was messed up with the flood,i still have to move around to carry out this exercise. And this afternoon, i went to visit other streets which i have not visited before. Guess what, there are lots of dirt's on the street and from tomorrow, i will be going there for proper cleaning. Even areas that is estate is not clean. People throw away plastics and nylons along the street. Well, i have to do my part in cleaning up the earth since many doesn't know it's importance to humanity.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha
