Am so sorry Mom, please except my Apologies! Week 194 Challenge.
If you could give someone you have wronged a heartfelt apology, who would it be and why? How would you feel afterwards and how would it affect you moving forward? Remember to use your own photos.
Mom am very sorry for wronging you. I wish you are alive today to accept my heartfelt apologies. I never planned to wrong you but i deed and death couldn't allow me to see your face and hear from you for the last time. All the same, accept my apologies though in you are no more.
I have wronged so many people in my life including my own self. But i always feel guilty each time i remembered my late Mom because i wronged her so much and i didn't have the opportunity to apologise to her before her death. On Jenuary 2016, Mom was still alive by then. She traveld from the city where she based then down to the village to see me. I couldn't go because i was 6 months pregnant then for my boy friend. She spent 2 months in the village but i didn't care to see her out of shame. Though we were in the same state, but i and my boyfriend based in the capital of the state while Mom was in the village and my location remains unknown to her.
Mom later travelled back to where she was staying on March same year. Within 2 weeks, she started appearing in my dreams. I couldn't imagine Mom sleeping under uncompleted buildings several times in my dreams. I tried to force her inside the room but she refused. Only for me to hear the greatest and most shocking news of my life which is, Mom is in the motuary. I cried uncontrollably because i wasn't expecting that. I was working with my boyfriend then to go and see her so that she can take care of me afterwards.
She didn't benefits anything from me and even when she was longing to see me i denied her that right. At the point of death in the hospital, she was crying and mentioning my name according to those who were present. She was indeed hungry to see me. That's why i needed to apologise to her because of denying her the right to see me as my own mother. Not only that, as our tradition demands, she didn't get her right as my mother because the pregnancy was out of wedlock. Mom please forgive me
I wouldn't have been feeling guilty now if i really deed the right thing initially. Because am now a mother i know what it means to raise a child. So, every mother deserves more than awards from their children. That's why am feeling guilty right now. Though i can't bring her back to life, but am sure she has forgiving me. So, instead of feeling guilt, i have moved on with life knowing that we might likely meet on the resurrection morning where i can apologize to her in person once more.
I will apologize to my mom for denying her all her rights on my part. I don't ever feel guilt anymore since i know that everything will be fixed one day
So pathetic, but with the hope you and I have you will have opportunity to apologize in the future and live with her happily just keep your hope burning.