Should we always be stronger than our fears?


As one of our most basic instincts; we are supposed to have fear in everything that we do. More however this should not deter us when we want to achieve something .Our mind has two poles one for the confidence and the other for the fear of not achieving a given task.

In this spectrum we direct our actions, sometimes closer to the extreme of fear, but other times closer to the extreme of our strengths, however, walking from one extreme to another allows us to know our inner self and, in this way, to be stronger than our fears.

Every individual cannot state that he/she has never been afraid sometime in his/her life and even the journey to an intended destination can be done with a bigger path filled with fear and yet we continue to reach the intended destination, thus it means that to become stronger than a particular fear one has to journey through it.

The feeling of fear is something that is deep within the human being but we have to realize that we cannot allow such a feeling to stop us from achieving one or the other of our many goals thus we have to be greater than any of our fears or fears that come in the way with any of our goals.

Is the feeling of fear proportional as we grow older?

This may be true, however, everything will depend on each person, that is, on their own life experience, on the tools acquired during the time of their existence, some people are continuing to develop a feeling of fear more than others, for example, as a child, we are afraid in the dark, alone, in front of any object, etc. However, this fear can continue and even increase if we do not change this feeling.

Sometimes we are careful when doing something, and this is because we have gained experience and we may have gone through some aspects of life that make us in a better position to assess our environment rightly, this in any field, be it family, workplace among others, the feeling of fear may make one be careful, and thus, give the positive feel to the feeling of fear.

Of course, not everything is positive, that is, we must always be above any fear that wants to wrap us and stop us, if we use this feeling as a preventive sensor is fine, but, that is not a tool that stops us in our purpose to succeed, therefore, we activate our precaution to find the best option or path to our goal traced.

As from all of them, we learn and build our precious experience of individual life; feeling of fear also impacts a lot of things as everything depends upon how we use it, well the fact is that we have always to overpower our fears, in other words, have to be master of them and let them work for us.

Thanks for reading...
