
To be happy and to have the best life, discover more about your identity and aim at achieving your dreams. Well, yes, that may sound like some rather high principles, but let there be no mistake about it – they are all within the reach of any person who is prepared to make the necessary effort and put in the time and effort to discover what it is that he or she truly desires to perform.

In this sense, the concept of purpose can be seen as a mission, a mission statement aimed at helping shape an individual’s life. It is personal and can be identified after sometime perhaps as one is growing up. For some people , they find their purpose through their career while some other individuals discover theirs through friends or family, activities, or self-discovery.

While I'll define passion as a desire to do something. It is that which sets you aflame and challenges you to work as hard as possible in order to achieve your goals. Passion can be discovered or seen in various aspects of life whether it is in the arts, in employment, in love, or in a hobby.

Finding out what our purpose is and what we are passionate about is not always easy and can only be done through thorough self-searching and evaluation.

It requires an individual to seek to know what makes him/her happy, what they consider to be important in life, and what they would like to be Contributing to the society

One way to know our purpose is to ask ourselves questions that focus on what aspects of our life have make us happy and what activities have given us joy. This could be a clue to what we are truly passionate about and what our purpose may be.

The second process through which purpose can be discovered involves doing activities that would make us to step out of our comfort zone. Seeing the outcome shows is signs of what could possibly make us happy and what could also add further misery to our lives.

After knowing and discovering your purpose and what you are passionate about, it is very important that you get down and do it. It may need us as individuals to work towards our goals, making decisions that are dangerous, or making sacrifices so that you’ll be a better fit for those things that you are passionate about.

There is also the need to have people who will help you and encourage you to achieve your dreams. Finding people who will support you and also have similar goals, values, and pursuits, is incredibly helpful.

Finally, living a purposeful life with passion is possible and will require focus and hard work to be achieved. It may not always be an easy one and there might be a lot of obstacles in the way but the advantages of doing what you loi are countless.

Therefore, individuals should discover their purpose and pursue what they love as part of having a good life. As much as people aim to discover their ‘purpose’ in life or ‘calling,’ it is possible for anyone to discover exactly why they exist and how they can change the world and their society for the better.

Why not commit yourself and engage in the things you want to do is a process of freedom that will take you to a happier, more meaningful and satisfying life.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You are right with this statement:"To be happy and to have the best life, discover more about your identity and aim at achieving your dreams. '
