Mamis, que el cabello no se caiga! ❌ [Esp || Eng ]
Hola mamitas y papitos de esta linda comunidad 🤗.. Espero se encuentren muy bien junto a sus peques 😍.
Hello mommies and daddies of this beautiful community 🤗.... I hope you and your little ones are doing well 😍.
I want to share with you something that has worked for me in terms of keeping us looking pretty hehe, since I think it is very important to feel good about ourselves as moms during this hard work of being moms 🥰.
It is no secret that when we become mothers our body undergoes great changes, both inside and out. Among these changes is our weight change, since we can gain or lose weight; our breasts tend to sag a little; we can have some flaccidity in our abdominal area; we can even change certain tastes in food and even in smells (well, it happened to me).
Besides this, something that I think we all go through is hair loss, either during or after pregnancy 😬. At least in my case it was after my pregnancy, product of my hormonal changes since I have always had this kind of problems and after giving birth this got a little out of control, so I started to lose hair in large quantities.
I have always been the type of person that when I try something new, I want it to give results immediately or I tend to get discouraged and leave it aside, but with this I really tried that I started to see the results after a few weeks and that is why today I want to recommend it to you.
Whether due to hormonal issues as it happened to me, the fact of breastfeeding or the constant stress that we moms live especially in the first months of life of our babies, I have noticed that we always tend to lose hair, so I will share with you how to prepare a miracle shampoo 🤭.
This shampoo is prepared with natural ingredients and easy to get, so moms take note (and country too, although it is more difficult for them to lose hair hehe).
1.- Champú de cualquier tipo, el de tu preferencia 🧴
2.- 4 o 5 ramitos de romero seco o fresco, ambos funcionan muy bien 🌿
(De no conseguirlo en ramitas, puede usarse en el que venden en sobrecitos ya seco)
3.- 15 o 20 clavos de olor o como lo conocen acá en Venezuela "clavos de especie"
4.- 2 palitos de canela
5.- Media cebolla morada (opcional) 🧅
The ingredients for this are as follows:
1.- Shampoo of any kind, the one of your preference 🧴 2.
2.- 4 or 5 sprigs of dried or fresh rosemary, both work very well 🌿
(If you can't get it in sprigs, you can use the one they sell in sachets already dried)
3.- 15 or 20 cloves or as they are known here in Venezuela "cloves of spice".
4.- 2 cinnamon sticks
5.- Half a red onion (optional) 🧅
To prepare it, it's the easiest thing in the world 🤭. Add in another bottle a little of your shampoo so that the container is not too full and will not overflow, then start adding each of the ingredients little by little, be very careful not to spill anything. Afterwards, when we have added everything we must shake our shampoo very well so that everything is integrated and let it stand for about a week, this so that the ingredients release their properties and work at 100% 😁.
Each of these ingredients have properties that are excellent for giving life to our hair, making it grow, strengthening it and giving it more life. Cinnamon and rosemary for example help a lot with hair loss, helping it to grow strong and providing a nice shine, also rosemary helps prevent gray hair and regulate excess sebum in our scalp and thus control greasy hair, while cloves repair and help hair growth.
Personally, I started using this shampoo a few months ago and the change has really been great, I went from losing a lot of hair daily to just a little bit, I think it's normal, it has grown and I have felt stronger. Since I use irons and dryers very often my hair tends to weaken very quickly and to have brittle ends, however this shampoo has helped me a lot. I totally recommend it moms 🤩.
I hope you try it and it works for you 😉.
Un gran abrazo a todos los que hacen vida en @Motherhood ❤️
Un gran abrazo a todos los que hacen vida en @Motherhood ❤️
|| Todo el texto fue redactado por mi persona @chelle0891 || Llevado al inglés mediante DeepL traductor ||
|| Las fotos presentadas fueron tomadas por mi Infinix Hot 12 Play y editadas con Canva e InShot||
|| All text was written by myself @chelle0891 || Translated to English using DeepL translator ||
|| The photos presented were taken by my Infinix Hot 12 Play and edited with Canva and InShot||
Me encanto. 🤗💯🎉Es bastante casero y estoy dispuesta a probarlo. Valió la pena leer aquí. Espero aprender más de ti. Una abrazo 🤗
Gracias amiga! Estamos para ayudarnos jeje. También publique sobre una mascarilla muy casera y excelente, si quieres puedo pasarte el link 😉☺️. Me gusta aplicarme cosas así naturales y cada que pueda compartiré con ustedes. Me alegra que te haya gustado ❤️
Un abrazo para ti también 🤗
Claro que sí. Por favor enviarme el link. Es nuevo para mí y es interesante jejeje.
Jaja es bueno probar cosas buenas y más aún si son efectivas ☺️
Acá te dejo el link de la mascarilla para el cabello, espero te funcionen tan bien como a mi ❤️
Mucha gracias 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌💯💯💯💯💯💯. Ya me pongo a leer 🤓🙏
De nada, amiga! Estamos para ayudarnos.
Un abrazo 🤗
@chelle0891 waooo amiga me salvaste la vida capilar!!!🤣🤣 tengo que hacer esto urgentemente porque luego de ya varios años que di a luz a mis hijas se me cae bastante el cabello... lo hare con seguridad 👍❤🤗🥰 gracias por compartir ❤
Hola, mamita! Me alegra mucho poder ayudarlas ❤️ Ponlo en práctica y verás que funciona, lo digo con base jeje
Un abrazo 🤗
Dónde estabas tú en mi periodo post parto??? Jajajaja, no tienes idea de cuánto necesité de algo así porque casi quedé calva y no sabía que podía frenar esa caída, de todas maneras está genial porque aún se me sigue cayendo, no tanto como antes, pero si tengo ese problema.
Gracias por el dato
Jajajaja bueno, estamos para ayudarnos amiga. Yo busqué mucho y probé muchas cosas y de verdad que esto es lo que me ha funcionado. Lastima que no tengo una foto de como se me caía el cabello, pero de verdad era demasiado. Así que te lo recomiendo ❤️