LOH community Contest # 136. Recuerdos llenos de Amor y Nostalgia 🥺❤️ [Esp || Eng ]
Happy mid-week ✨❤️ beautiful ladies of the wonderful @LadiesOfHive community 🤍. I heartily wish it's being for all of you a productive and blessed week ✨🫂.
Vuelvo con ustedes para unirme al Ladies Of Hive Community Contest # 136 👏🏻. Está semana me han sorprendido y enternecido muchísimo las dos pregunta que nos hace la hermosa dama @elizabethbit. Estas preguntas me llenan de recuerdos y bellos sentimientos, dónde la nostalgia es la primera en aparecer 🥺 y las ganas de llorar me nublan la vista, debido a que los recuerdos que vienen a mi mente son con personas que ya no se encuentran en este plano, de igual manera el recuerdo de mi mascota.
I'm back with you to join the Ladies Of Hive Community Contest # 136 👏🏻. This week I have been very surprised and touched by the two questions asked by the beautiful lady @elizabethbit. These questions fill me with memories and beautiful feelings, where nostalgia is the first to appear 🥺 and the desire to cry clouds my eyesight, because the memories that come to my mind are with people who are no longer on this plane, likewise the memory of my pet.
Las preguntas son las siguientes :
The questions are as follows:
1️⃣ Memories are a wonderful thing! They help us to remain close to family and friends when distance is a barrier. The question is: What is the youngest memory you have? What was the memory and how old were you at the time?
Como ya les mencioné, para responder está pregunta lo primero que viene a mi mente son mis abuelos maternos🥺, en alguna de mis publicaciones en #Hive llegue a mencionar que ellos ya no están con nosotros, es decir, no están en el plano terrenal 😞. Ahorita forman parte de esos angeles que quiero creer que me cuidan desde el cielo.
As I already mentioned, to answer this question the first thing that comes to my mind are my maternal grandparents🥺, in some of my posts in #Hive I even mentioned that they are no longer with us, that is, they are not on the earthly plane 😞. Now they are part of those angels that I want to believe are watching over me from heaven.
Mi recuerdo más joven es con ellos, ya que ellos estuvieron a cargo de mi crianza los primeros años de mi vida, por lo tanto mis recuerdos de niña es junto a ellos 😍. Aunque lamentablemente no tengo fotos de estos momentos 😞.
My youngest memory is with them, as they were in charge of my upbringing the first years of my life, therefore my memories as a child is together with them😍 . Although unfortunately I don't have pictures of these moments 😞
Con mi abuelo, recuerdo claramente cuando me iba a buscar al colegio. Este quedaba a unas calles de la casa donde vivíamos, pero como debía cruzar carreteras el nunca dejó que yo me fuera sola al colegio o a casa, pero recuerdo claramente es cuando él iba por mi. Cuando lo veía a lo lejos cruzando la última carretera, siempre me invadía una felicidad increíble, no sé si por el hecho de que me iba a casa o porque era a él a quien veía llegar, no lo sé! Solo se que la emoción en ese momento era indescriptible.
With my grandfather, I remember clearly when he would pick me up from school. It was a few streets away from the house where we lived, but since he had to cross roads, he never let me go home or to school alone, but I remember clearly when he would pick me up. When I saw him in the distance crossing the last road, I always felt an incredible happiness, I don't know if it was because I was going home or because he was the one I saw arriving, I don't know! I only know that the emotion at that moment was indescribable.
Recuerdo que una vez que llegábamos a casa, me cambiaba y me iba con el a la plaza, dónde él se sentaba a tener largar conversaciones con sus amigos mientras yo jugaba entre los árboles de la plaza, como estos estaban rodeados por pequeñas cercas, bueno mi abuelo me metía allí para que yo jugará y no me saliera de este lugar 🤭 era como mi espacio privado 😅.
I remember that once we got home, I would change and go with him to the square, where he would sit and have long conversations with his friends while I played among the trees of the square, as they were surrounded by small fences, well my grandfather would put me there so that I would play and not leave this place 🤭 it was like my private space 😅.
Mientras que con mi abuela, mis recuerdos son cuando ella con mucho amor me levantaba en las mañanas para bañarme y darme desayuno para irme al colegio, al igual que las noches en las que ella me enseñaba a rezarle a Dios antes de dormir. Pero sobre todo, recuerdo el amor que me daba, sus besos y su cariño 🥺❤️.
While with my grandmother, my memories are when she would lovingly wake me up in the mornings to bathe me and give me breakfast to go to school, as well as the nights when she would teach me to pray to God before going to sleep. But above all, I remember the love she gave me, her kisses and her affection 🥺❤.
2️⃣ Pets! They are a part of the family! Do you spoil them; dress them up; pamper them? If so, how? Please share a photo of your pet being spoiled!
En cuanto a mis mascotas, desde que recuerdo he tenido perritos 😍 🐕. Pero la que más recuerdo es a Mi Bellota, era una perrita, de raza pitbull, color marrón oscuro (como una bellota), de patas largas y muy muy amorosa 🥺❤️.
As for my pets, I have had puppies for as long as I can remember😍. But the one I remember the most is My Acorn, she was a little dog, pitbull breed, dark brown (like an acorn), long legs and very very loving 🥺❤️.
Cuando me veía llegar, aunque no lo crean ella me sonreía y todos los que no la conocían le tenían debido a esto, ya que pensaban que cuando mostraba sus dientes era para morder, pero no. Ella sonreía cuando nos veía llegar o cuando jugábamos, era una perrita muy amorosa y cariñosa, nada agresiva, aunque está raza de perros se asocie con la agresividad
When she saw me coming, believe it or not, she smiled at me and all those who did not know her had her because of this, since they thought that when she showed her teeth it was to bite, but no. She smiled when she saw us coming or when we played, she was a very loving and affectionate dog, not aggressive at all, although this breed of dog is associated with aggressiveness. She smiled when she saw us coming or when we played, she was a very loving and affectionate dog, not aggressive at all, although this breed of dog is associated with aggressiveness.
A Bellota la tuvimos desde que yo tenía unos 10 o 12 años, hasta que tuve unos 22 o 23 años, pero lamentablemente hay personas a las cuales no les gustan los animales y pues por maldad la envenenaron 💔. Ese día lloré como si me hubiesen arrancado a otro familiar de mi vida.
We had Bellota since I was about 10 or 12 years old, until I was about 22 or 23 years old, but unfortunately there are people who don't like animals and for evil they poisoned her 💔. That day I cried as if another family member had been ripped out of my life.
Fué la única mascota de la cual puedo decir que me enamore y a la que amé muchísimo. Desde entonces no quise tener más animales. Fué hasta hace poco, que mi pareja decidió adoptar un perrito 🐕 para que mi niña aprendiera lo que es tener mascotas y ella le puso por nombre Bingo, ya no soy la de antes que jugaba y le daba mucho amor a los perritos, pero tampoco los maltrato.
It was the only pet I can say I fell in love with and loved very much. Desde entonces no quise tener más animales. It was until recently, that my partner decided to adopt a puppy 🐕 for my girl to learn what it means to have pets and she named him Bingo, I am no longer the one who played and gave a lot of love to the dogs, but I don't mistreat them either.
Mi niña es la que juega con el nuevo perrito y le da mucho amor ❤️. Aunque nunca he sido de vestir a mis mascotas, si era de esas que daba mucho amor y los amaba como un miembro más de la familia.
My little girl is the one who plays with the new puppy and gives him lots of love ❤️. Although I have never been one to dress up my pets, I was one of those who gave a lot of love and loved them as a member of the family.
Tristemente, perdí las fotos que tenía de Mi Bellota, pero tengo una de mi bebé jugando con Bingo 🤭. Ahorita es el consentido por ella y es un perrito muy juguetón, que por sobre todo aguanta todos los juegos que mi bebé decide hacer 😅.
Sadly, I lost the pictures I had of Mi Bellota, but I have one of my baby playing with Bingo 🤭. Now he is the spoiled one for her and he is a very playful doggy, who above all endures all the games that my baby decides to do 😅
Así que, amigas está fué mi participación ☺️. Un poco triste por tantos recuerdos, pero llena de amor y momentos inolvidables 🤍✨.
So, my friends, this was my participation ☺️. A little sad for so many memories, but full of love and unforgettable moments 🤍✨✨.
See you next time 🤭🫂. Sending you a big hug 🤗
|| Todo el texto fue redactado por mi persona @chelle0891 || Llevado al inglés mediante DeepL traductor ||
|| Las fotos presentadas fueron tomadas por mi Infinix Hot 12 Play y editadas con Canva e InShot||
|| All text was written by myself @chelle0891 || Translated to English using DeepL translator ||
|| The photos presented were taken by my Infinix Hot 12 Play and edited with Canva and InShot||
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Our pets are indeed, members of the family. I am so sorry somebody did that to your dog.
Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!🤗💜
Es algo lamentable, pero bueno son cosas que pasan.
Gracias a ti por leerme, amiga ❤️
You have such fond memories with your grandparents. That's true, our grandparents pamper us a lot, they will do everything for us. You are blessed to have spent some very good time with them.
Así es, amiga! Con mis abuelos tengo recuerdos hermosos y todos los días los extraño. Nadie como ellos para darnos amor.
Un fuerte abrazo 🤗