If I did not have to go to school, then I may never have to go anywhere else. My life presently revolves around school and home. That's all. More of personal choices and habits. There's not so much to it.

School has been of immense benefit to me. What am I even saying, who goes to school and doesn't get value? Who? One of the things that I am grateful for about being in school(this prompt topic might have bore a past tense voice but I still am in school, so...) is the experience(s). Experiences are garnered everyday, at almost anyplace. School too, at different levels also present us experiences, not necessarily book related.
I've spent a while in school and have seen and learned a lot in the time. Some of which I only ever heard of, some as new, some sad, some hilarious, some hilarious, sort of a mixed bag. Different approaches, different beliefs, varying values and cultures and ethics, just as is obtainable in the real world, only this time, we share the same space and either learn to tolerate others whose ways aren't so appealing to us or go head-on.
I get to meet people, listen and learn from them, bond with some who only just days back were strangers and we get to move up the road. School teaches more than books, there's independence, there's smartness, there's tolerance, discipline, there's frugality, responsibility, and a whole lot of others.
Another thing I appreciate truly is the competition. I never put myself in any state as such but being in school sorts of gingers me up. You know, with being around different young persons gifted in different areas and taking great spots in society, your morale is sort of boosted to do/be even better. I'm not lackadaisical, neither am I laid-back but the environment makes me want more out of everything good especially as regards what I am there for; my books. Making "okay" grades would seem so shallow when you when paralled with grades of other students who are all about getting distinctions, and that way, there's a little challenge you involve yourself in too, so as not to get just any grade.
And then, of course, I am grateful for security, financial security especially. If I were totally independent of family, I would not enjoy as much benefits as I do(that's a lie, I will. Lol). But then, I am grateful for all of the moments when my status got me a pass and also the 'she's just a student, managing' treatment that I recieve. It's important to all students. You may go ahead to ask.
And, oh knowledge! School is to knowledge, enlightenment and information, obviously. And I am not lagging behind there. That I can piece words together, write coherently and am this enlightened, it's the work of school. And I appreciate everything.
Those are things I would not be getting if not for school. I may get a little or so much of them outside school(just maybe), but they would not be exactly the same.
Thanks for gracing this post.
Benefits from school are enormous we can't count them all. I agree with you, School is a space where we can see people of different behavior, we tolerate the ones we can and avoid the troubles of those we can't.😃. In all, education remains the best that can happen to any one