There will always be pressures. For every stage in life, a person is either faced with one or the other. The society, after oneself amounts the most pressure on a person.

There's that on education, on a certain lifestyle, on marriage, on childbirth, on gender and societal expectations and generally on fitting in a box that society has carved as best for you.
Like I have once or twice mentioned before, I would not consider myself as one who is given to such. From very young, even before I realized that I was leading a life that would otherwise be described as non-conforming, I was that way. I didn't let anyone decide my life for me. It's mine to live as best as I can in all its uniqueness.
As can be caused by these pressures, I am not available to have to deal with stress, mental health issues or, especially the anxiety. Evidently, they are unhealthy. And u can say that the cons of these pressures far outnumbers the pros.
Most people end up conforming to norms even when they'd have preferred otherwise. Then there's those who just stand firm, refusing to do what others but themselves want. And many times, you can tell the difference between them. The latter is more refreshing to see. Cause no matter how anyone tried, they won't be bullied into conforming.
We are all different, all unique. Having to live identical lives is boring to see. There's no one rule that everyone should be made to follow. Our dissimilarities gives us all our identities. These days you see people who no longer want to lead by the books but who would rather explore life and go against what everyone else(the society) would want for them.
And then you see them making mistakes (which others and themselves)learn from, and trying another approach and thriving well in he new path that they have chosen. I like to see that. We can't all live alike. Society cannot tell us what is best for us.
I am not under no pressures and i care little for what anyone thinks especially not society. There's too much to worry about peraonally. So why let anyone who knows nothing about me, neither how I want my life to go, dictate for me how to live?
It's just this one life, right?
Trying to fix people into boxes that aren't them take away from their individuality and just makes life boring. Life isn't a one-way street. I lead by the rules I have set for myself alone.
Only I can pressure me. I also consciously try to make the effort to not make anyone feel pressured.
There are no age mates in life. Just life-mates. Everything happens in the time that it will(or should) in a person's life differently. And we should all learn that, after yielding to pressures and going against our character, if we turn out bad, society will still condemn you, even if they were the ones to have made you tread that path.
Thanks for gracing this post.
Lately, the level of societal pressure has skyrocketed and many are finding it difficult to handle.