There was a time when I badly wanted to bear an English name. You know now that I have none. My friends had cool English names but my parents were still unsure of what one they had picked for me. My dad called a different one and so did my mum. I grew up with an assortment of English names, none of which made it to my certificate(s).


My native names are beautiful but I was just too young and dumb to realize so. It took me growing up some more, learning stuff differently and unconsciously growing this strong love for my tribe and culture for me to realize so. Now, I dont think I'd have appreciated those English names as much as I do my native name.

My name is Adaku. Ada, which is the title given to every first daughter literally means First daughter. Adaku means First daughter/child of wealth. Interesting, isnt it? My name plays so well in my life. First off, if your parents are wealthy, doesnt it rub off on you? My parents are not wealthy thoigh just middle-class, still, ive never had to really go broke. My friends think i make/get lots of money which isnt true. Ive neber had arguments strong enough to debunk their claims, but dont you think it's my name at play there?
I'm beginning to think so. It just happens that im just a rich kid.

I also bear Chiamaka, meaning,"God is beautiful"" in the Igbo dialect. It is very self explanatory and no doubt shows evidences of its potency in my life. I am beautiful and the perfectness of God is visible. God is beautiful here connotes the amazingness of God's creation which is me.
Also, my parents gave me that name based on the occurrence around my birth. I guess theyd been trying for a female and when i came at the sixth try, it was like, as my mum likes to say. "A perfect finishing -touch that binds the union."
I know you can see that too.

Thats my participation to the Ecency contest The meaning of my name

Thanks for gracing this post.


What a beautifully reflective writing on the significance of your name and its alignment with your personal experiences and beliefs!
