Hive Learners!!
Hive learners, I think, was the very first community that I got involved with/in when I joined in on this platform, and when after I had made my introduction post.
Starting out here, for many newbies, Hive learners gave us a soft landing and helped us navigate the space well enough before we could stand on our own. Plus, not to forget the newbie initiative program which is run there which I have seen -which unfortunately i could not be a part of it cause I was no longer eligible- to be very beneficial in learning of everything that goes on in this space and how to thrive here.
I recall that it was also from the community that I got talking to a number of persons enough to throw banters, enough to check in on them and their blogs regularly, enough to have people genuinely look out for and support me, enough to get talking outside of this space.
With Hive learners, we did not have to worry much about falling out of line, and breaking the sometimes too many rules that a number of other communities are ruled by.
Not to forget that it championed weekly prompts, not one but three, and let the whole of us who struggled to come up with writing topics and ideas to feast in. And it was fun and enjoyable. And oh, it wasn't like those were limitations cause we still had freewill to post whatever else that we wanted to. And always, every single time, we received support. It wasn't anything to be compared with what we were likely to receive in some other high(er) ranking community, but it was something. However little. And whether anyone else agrees to this or not, those little supports filled us with excitement and encouragement and the zeal to be better with every other post or contribution we made, not just in the Hive learners community, but in every other community that we became a part of. I like to think that this is why no one ever grows bored or exhausted there.
And I speak for me and a number of persons when I say that the community helped me(us) grow. I know that I have written in that community more than I have in every other community which I took part in combined but that's not it. Given the numerous topics ranging different topics in differnt areas of life, I did learn a lot from having to read from other people's contributions and see their perspectives. It also made me do some thinking sometimes and even researches that broadened my horizon.
Every community that i ever subscribed to and participated in has been instruction to my growth amd i am grateful for all of them. But when it comes down to the one that gives me nostalgia and fills me with more excitement, Hive Learners takes the crown.
Thanks for gracing this post.
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