
We didnt own a decoder until much later when I was in high school. Just about the time that it became quite popular. Before then, we settled to watch just the regular free-to-air stations that came pre-installed with the TV. Or, we bought CDs which we inserted into the DVD player.


Because we owned just one TV and we all had to share a space, we literally saw whatever it was that was playing together. Every other time that there was power supply, there was something playing. It was how we bonded too -seeing movies together.

If I recall correct, most of it was home videos, music videos, dramas shown on TV, the news, sports, foreign movies mostly centered about the military and horror and every other genre else. Mostly, my big brothers got the CDs then we all sat to play. My parents only mostly got home videos or wrestling games.

I was not so drawn to the TV but not once do I recall ever getting asked to leave the room because what was playing was inappropriate for me. Not once even was I made to look away cause a certain kind of scene popped up. Whatever ir was, I sat put. However, I have to mention that rarely did we get to watch movies that were age inappropriate.

For the ones in which one or two not-so-good scenes came up, discussions were mostly brought up to either condemn the producers for putting in such act or something else was said. I realize that although it was awkward for me as a child, it somewhat was a way that my parents got to loosen up and teach us about some of these things. Maybe they did not address them directly, but certain talks in course of seeing the movie was enough lesson. Beside, I do not think they could manage to walk out myself(or the rest of us who were under the age of seeing these movies). Like I said earlier, we lived in a small space and were in one another's faces so where could we go when such films are played? Another thing too is, we didn't see movie that were obscene. Our parents never purchased them. And who were anyone of us to??

Back then too, very few of our Nigerian home videos had warnings at the start of the film. There was barely any need except that our ideologies were archaic. This would be me being frank if I said that the movies i saw when I was younger and the ones playing now are not almost alike. Then, though, there was little to worry about. Our home videos were more about our cultures, teaching against evil practices, or just plain funny. Romantic movies did not portray as much intimacy or errotic scenes as is the rave now. Back then, it was more about educating on something and just leaving behind moral lessons. And although we easily predicted the head-tail of the film, you had less scare.

Nowadays, even the movies that are suitable for every one are found to be very unsuitable. Cartoons aren't even left out. I once played a cartoon I had found online for the students I tutored and I felt embarrassed when the show began. The acts and words were vulgar. It was said to be for young children, but in reality, it should have been labeled as adult content.
A lady friend of mine makes sure to watch a movie or cartoon first before she let's her kids see them.
Otherwise, she makes sure they all watch together so she knows where to give guidance.

I don't see what it is with so much sexualization and romance in movies that kids watch. Don't even know where that started. Maybe they always have been there, but I promise you, they weren't as intense as now. Kids no longer get to enjoy as much peace and innocence as they should because of these films. Almost ecery tv content right now is too much to handle. It can be a lot on them and their parents too.

It would have been great to just chill and see movies as my parents had done with me without the anxiety that something could go wrong. Maybe I would do stuff that way, as good for me, I don't see films so much. Or, I would make sure that what movies they see get screened by me first. I can not say that they(the kids) should be banned from watching the TV. I could just put them on parental control.

I would make sure that the kids in my care enjoy their childhood embellished with all that dreamland and fantasythingy thar they always are obsessed with.

Thanks for gracing this post.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Wow, you have just made some crucial points here and there, i can totally relate to everything you have just said in this post of yours, the movie we watched back then has advanced ten times, this is the 21st century, obviously everything about the movies we watched then has evolved for the worse. Back then my mum would tell us to close our eyes whenever there’s a kissing scene being played unknowingly in a movie, she would always find a way to condemn it for us. The movies back then were safe to watch compared to what we have in circulation these days, even cartoons aren’t cartooning lol, I believe there’s more work to be done in this aspect. Thanks for this awesome piece chi…


Before I started writing this, i tried to think of the inappropriate movies I saw as a child, and I realized that there weren't many. It was mostly just kissing scenes(that weren't full-blown as we have now). A few seconds in, and the scene would be replaced. It looked like the producers only added those for effect, and they themselves had some shame.

Too bad what we have in circulation now. Especially the unhealthy ones kids are faced with.


I don't even understand movies these days anymore, like you said before movies were all about education and moral lessons but nowadays its the opposite,even a little child knows the meaning of romance and love which is not suppose to be and where did they get that knowledge from if not from the movies they watch. I just hope movies doesn't spoil all children in this time


Children in these times know much more about romance than even you who is an adult. These movies make them mature so quickly.
It's a good thing that there's the parental control feature in TVs. Guardians just have to be more observant and cautious now.


Honestly the rate at which they're adding sex scenes and vulgar words in cartoons and movies is just alarming. I don't think there's any movie without a kissing and sex scene these days

That your friend is doing a good job coz it's not easy. At least she can guide them now they're young.


It makes me wonder if they just are out to produce movies without thinking of the effect of the works. Parents and guardians now have so much work to do than should be the case.
