See ehn, this particular topic is a very straightforward one. We all know what methods it takes to live healthy and be in shape, but often, gluttony, or laziness, even different opinions on what we should and shouldn't do, even when we are aware of what works best for us as individuals derail us from getting the result we so desire and deserve.
Not to forget the side talks from here and there. I sincerely look forward to the different views that this topic would bring, but somehow I'm skeptical and almost certain that the most of us will share similar views considering that we know the ideal best thing in cases as such.
You know, I remember when looking fat or chubby meant that a person was healthy. And when these persons in this body type category wore nice outfits, it almost automatically translated to them being rich and living well. It wasn't the same for people of opposite body type. Now, currently, as I have grown older, some of these assumptions seem to have taken a backseat. Now, a fat/chubby person is quickly considered overweight and is told to shed the excess weight inorder to look younger, be fit inorder to stay free of the ailments that come with the size. And a slim person is considered more agile, even called an 'every day young.' Can be very laughable.
I would not deny but I like how concerned people are about staying healthy these days. I'm only worried about the mirage of contrasting information out there.
Talking of staying in shape, I have found that exercising and eating right works wonders. Some persons might conclude that exercising has to do with heavy lifting and all of that rigorous stuff, but I don't agree. There are tons of basic simple activities a person could do that would keep them trim. It boils down to intentionality and commitment. The right kinds of exercises are important, too.
On food, there are meals to and not to eat, the right portions to take and the timing too. Even imtermittent fasting is not left out.
I see people who hit the gym and return to feast. Literally. Back during the time when I used to go for road walks, one of my brother's friends who came along -he's on the big side- once we got back,(he was always far behing) would come back to eat bread and moinmojn and vote. Stuff used to piss me off, cause, what was the essence of him putting himself through that tiring run and burning calories only to return and double it up? At that time, we knew he wanted to shed some weight.
Nowadays, there's an increase in people who want to lose and gain weight. People have come to know how imperative it is to stay healthy. Also have they learned that it costs litte. Exercise is sure bet but not a lot of people are ready to pass through that pain hence the opting for dieting. I really do not get the thing with dieting cause, for how long? Maybe if it's proffered by a professional, then, that qorks.
All in all, I think both exercising and dieting work hand-in-hand. Food, good food is necessary to live well. Exercising is just perfect to keep one in shape and direct the food to the required sites. Importantly, to not under-, over- or mis- do it, consulting professionals on both areas is advisable.
Thanks for gracing this post.
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

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