A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words: The meaningless life.

Photo taken by @wakeupkitty

What I see
I see leaves of different colours like green, red and yellow all lying on the floor covered with water.

What I feel

When I saw the picture, I felt more of the meaningless of life. Just like this leaves we are all gonna fall and fade away someday.

Life at the end just seems to be meaningless, all our days and night of struggles will end with nothing to proof at last, we all fade away and just vanish like breeze.

This picture is a complete narration of life itself. No matter how beautiful and rich you think you are like when the leaves were on it's tree, at last you still end up falling and fading away like these leaves and be forgotten.

This is the sad truth of life that no one can escape. Life is a temporary gift that is given to you and can be taken from you at any point. Get ready to handover your life when the times comes because you not the owner but just a passenger waiting to pass by and fade away very soon.

Enjoy life while you can, make good use of the gift called "life" that is given to you and when time comes to fade away always remember you were once beautiful and adorned like this leaves in the picture.

The message in the picture is deep.

The meaningless of life.


It's true, we all will be whiter, fall, be trapped on and forgotten.



The meaning of life... Can be it is meaningless.

Thank you for your entry. 👍
