Hello Everyone on HiveGhana community.I will like to appreciate the community admin and moderators for the vital topics so far, I will like to engage on the topic "WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENT WOULD YOU GO FOR"? This topic is loaded, fortunately for me am a "Musician" so I am going to a be assuming if I am not a Musician what musical instrument will I go for..
The musical instrument that I will like to go for is "The Drums Set".
I really have passion for the Instrument since childhood, I do see different Drummers playing drums in different event, churches and bands. It do give me Joy and pleasure that I can't explain)
The first time I played the drums was in a band, I remember I was in the school band back then in primary school, I do play drums on the assembly ground. I remember I do play the Snare drums though it was interesting but it can't be compared to the experience of the "Full drums set"
The reason why I would go for Drums set is because it looks simple and easy for me,and it shows how intellectual and focus someone is,because it takes the intellect and the ability to concentrate to be able to play the Set drums.
And the combination of the different part brings out the wonderful sound, from the definition of music, music is the "combination" of pleasant sound.. Set Drums is musical it consist of combination of pleasant sound also
The set drums consist of different part but I will mention 8 major part :namely;
- Hi-Hat
4)floor Tom/side Tom
8)Bass drums
I started playing in church at the age of 12 years old alongside with my brothers.
There was a particular event that happened that make me to continue to push my music life making drums the major part, I think I have explained that back then in my introductory post when I first joined hive, I will like to talk about it briefly
It all happen on that faithful day when I was drumming during my church anniversary,there were severe Musician and upcoming Musician in the program.And I am somebody that loves playing drums not just because of the fun of it or because of the people watching but because of the blessings the sounds gives to me. The program was Remarkable,after the program i got alot of positive feedbacks from people, most of them where like "WOW... I WANT TO LEARN FROM YOU",and I was like "Thank you" "Okay" "You are welcome" . Most of them started dropping their phone numbers, I collected alot of phone number that day.
When I got home after the program I was Happy and at the same time I was challenged because then I can only play what comes to my head I don't really know much theories in drumming.This positive feedback takes me back to the basics and I start to learn,unlearn and relearn through friends, mentor and the internet till I was able to know more, and not just knowing to help myself alone but knowing to impact others also.That was how i was able to know more about the theoretical and practical part of drumming and it is still helping me till date.
It happened four years ago, So I was able to become a "Drums instructor" through that little positive feedback and challenge that happened to me
Based on this my past experience I will still choose "Set Drums" as the musical instrument I would like to go for..
Trust you have been blessed
Thanks to the Community Admin and Moderators ones again for this wonder topics
It is a good thing for one to pursue his passion and develop his skills in a particular field. I'm glad you were able to discover your skill at an early stage and you went as far as developing yourself, Kudos!
Thank you sir @johnuko ..I really appreciate
Wow that's great to hear
I'm also a lover of drums but I guess you do more
You could also participate in music communities around showing them your talent, communities like afritunes and the rest
Good luck bro, you've got great talent
Thank you sir @chidistickz. I really appreciate