The spirit of Christmas.

Hello my fellow hivers. Greetings to you all.

Today, I want to share with you all the spirit of Christmas celebration.

Christmas is the celebration of birth of Christ, which marks the beginning of man's redemption.

Christmas is also the month of giving, traveling to different places, visiting friends, relatives and well wishers all over the world. Due to the fact that many offices will close down for the holidays, affording everyone a chance to mingle.

Some people have made the Christmas season to be an expensive event,where they spend beyond normal. They borrow money from loan sharks simply to satisfy their urge to spend. Some women disturb their husbands for excessive funds for shopping and the likes, all for the Christmas celebration.

During this festive period, different items are being sold in the market and at very high rates all because it is Christmas season.

What I love about this season the most is the spirit of oneness that it breeds in people. Everywhere is filled with joy and happiness and people rarely get angry at others.

When you get to some environment, the Christmas decorations placed all around will trigger happiness in your heart. Even in some homes, there beautiful decorations that gives one peace of mind and joy. That's the beautiful thing about the Christmas season.

The downside of the season is the way and manner that it has been turned into a channel for evil doing like high way robbery, fraud, theft and the likes. It so sad.

I really love the Christmas season mostly because of our harmattan weather ( cold and dry season). Whenever it is harmattan, any clothes that is washed would get dry within some hours.

The season also enables me to visit my long time friends, have lots of fun and excitement and generally have a good time.

Thank you all for reading.

Images used are mine.
