Ricania taeniata.
Latin name | Observation date | Location |
Ricania taeniata | 17.Desember.2024 | Lenang, Pantan Nangka, Kec. Linge, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah,Indonesia. |
Friends, here are some pictures of the species Ricania taeniata, a small purplish butterfly, its size is so small that it cannot be seen if you don't pay attention.
Some images show this species perched on grass branches at the side of roads covered in short grass. At that time I managed to take some pictures.
In this observation I only explained a little about the species I found. There may be some more detailed references to this species. Enjoy learning about this species.
Link to original community |
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/255394406 |
Latitude | Longitude | Map |
4.444623 | 97.006141 | https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=13/4.4625/97.0032 |
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