BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! RULESET: Melee Mayhem


My splinterlands battle post for the Battle Mage Secret Weekly Challenge.

Image by @splinterlands

Melee Mayhem is the ruleset for this week's Battle Mage Secrets weekly challenge. With this ruleset, the Melee attack monster can attack from any position. So, this ruleset is good for melee attack monsters in the battle lineup. I am quite familiar with this ruleset and I don't have much difficulty with the Melee Mayhem ruleset while choosing battle lineup. Stronger melee attack monsters can help a lot with this ruleset to win the battles. I like to choose a battle lineup according to my summoner to get the benefits of a summoner that enhances the stats of monsters.

Battle Challenge Rulset

Melee Mayhem

Ruleset: Melee Mayhem, Fire & Regret

  • Melee Mayhem: Melee attack monsters can attack from any position in the battle lineup.
  • Fire & Regret: All monsters have the Return Fire ability.

Mana cap: 27
Splinters: Earth

My Strategy For The Battle

As there is only one splinter to use for this battle. Also, there are 'Melee Mayhem' and 'Fire & Regret' ruleset. I have a level 4 Obsidian summoner (gold card) to choose from. So, it will add one extra magic attack to our friendly monsters, hence I am going to choose as many magic monsters as possible. Also, I will avoid choosing ranged attack monsters because of the Fire & Regret ruleset. But yeah I need to make sure that my defense is stronger, otherwise I might lose the battle.


Obsidian (EarthSummoner)
I am using a level 4 Obsidian Earth summoner (gold card) for the battle. This summoner gives one extra magic attack to magic monsters in our battle lineup. I chose this summoner as there is only one splinter option for this battle and I have a good summoner that is Obsidian.

1. Prismatic Energy (Level 4 gold card)
Prismatic Energy is a rare neutral monster. I chose this monster in the first position because of its high health as well as speed which will definitely help me in the battle. Also, this one is a magic monster with a stronger attack and Magic Reflect ability, so this one is highly efficient against magic monsters.

2. Regal Peryton (Level 4 gold card)
I really like this monster and I found this monster really helpful in most of the battles with Earth Splinter. I chose this monster in the second position as it has good health and high speed, so it can give some defense after the first monster dies. So, this monster can help a lot in the battle. Also, this monster has good magic attack and flying ability which make it even stronger.

3. Queen Mycelia (Level 2 card)
I chose Queen Mycelia monster in third position because of its Protect and Amplify ability which can help me in this battle. The stats of this monster are not that good, but its abilities are very helpful. This monster costs 4 mana which is not that high, so it ok to use this monster in the battle and I need this monster in such a situation.

4. Spirit Miner (Level 2 card)
At last, I chose Spirit Miner, because I think this one is the best monster and can give a good defense to my battle lineup from the back side. Spirit Miner monster has good health and attack, but the important thing is that it has Dodge and Swiftness ability which helps it get less damage.

Watch my battle replay here: Battle link

My opponents have melee monsters mostly and one magic monster in the battle lineup. My opponent's battle lineup seems good and his plan is to attack from the back side of my battle lineup. Good strategy, but my defense seems much stronger than his. Let's see what happens.

In the first round, My monster's first two monsters easily killed the opponent's first monster in little time. Later my monster did severe damage to the opponent's second monster and third monsters, while the opponent's monsters did severe damage to my last monster.

In the second round, my monsters started killing the opponent's monsters one by one. All this happened because of the high speed of my monsters than opponents' monsters. At the end of the second round, the opponent's only monster is left alive and that will also die soon. Here, my victory seems certain.

In the third round, my monsters easily killed the opponent's last monster and I won the battle.


The ruleset was Melee Mayhem, so monsters with melee attacks could have been a good option. But here I tried differently and I have not used a single melee attack monster. I took full advantage of summoners and user's magic monsters only. Also, I chose Prismatic Energy for good defense in the first position which really helped a lot. My last monster Spirit Miner did a great job as well in providing defense to my battle lineup from the back side. My strategy worked well and I won the battle.

Thank you... For visiting my blog. Have a great day. ✌️

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  • Splinterland text divider is from @freeztag.
  • Screenshots are taken from Splinterlands.

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Your posts always add to my knowledge about splinter lands.
Keep it up as it might be helping many not only me.


Thanks a lot. I am really glad that you liked my blog. 😊
