RE: What did I learn selling electroculture devices at our village car boot sale?

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All your posts are packed so full of photos and information - how do I even begin to respond?
LOVE IT, all of it.
And your son - watch out! - he will be getting more attention than he wants from admirers.


Yes. The cat (Hello, Cat!) is also irresistibly cute.
This!! Oh please let us all be wrong about the apocalyptic stuff; let us all be safe and well:

An energy healer lady (who has a frequency healing device not unlike the ones I described for you last month) had one simple question for us before she said anything at all. "Are you vaccinated?". Once she established we are not she told us amongst other things to prepare for the death of many people. My family & I are already physically and mentally prepared for this possibility but we are equally prepared for the possibility that my beliefs about the world are wrong and all mankind's tribulations can by bypassed, giving way directly to the Age of Enlightenment.


Hey Carol!

Great to see you here. Hope all is going smoothly for you and your clan.

Esteban had a hair cut yesterday and looks completely different now! Still a good looking lad though ;)

I cannot deny I have always been a bit attracted to the apocalypse stuff. As a child I read the SAS survival handbook cover to cover and learned many outdoor skills, always attracted to the idea of surviving extreme situations. 15 years ago I was giving lectures in London on how the end of this empire will look. It was evident to me that all empires have stages and we are now in the final stage (decline & collapse) and that all governments have been corrupt for a long time. To be fair it was my father who taught me about corrupt governments, but my subsequent research told me what we can expect from here. The thing I was not well versed on were the numerous tools at their disposal to create a controlled demolition rather than let it collapse naturally. Like the DEWs which are conveniently being used to create the impression of global warming. Or the weather control technology. Even the earthquakes I suspect are not natural. Tesla created the technology to control them a long time ago and all of the countries to have had major earthquakes recently also 'by chance' happen to be the same countries which took issue with the WEF over various things. Well, now they know to shut up and do what they are told. Or else...

Yes, it's a funny old world! And of course I wish the best for everyone but we must remind ourselves that we chose to be here at this time in human history because we believed ourselves to have some part in it. Up to us how we realise that part.
