Having positive outlooks towards challenges


It is true that the world is full of unpleasant things, but that does not mean that there are good things in life and we should focus our main attention on them. You will agree with me that on the darkest of nights, your hopes are often based on the dawn of the day, not the length of the night. This is because, although the night takes several hours, the day is bound to be dawn.

This is what it means to focus your primary attention on the positive side of life. There are things you can change and there are things you cannot change no matter how hard you try. You should focus on first and then hope for better days. There are so many good things in this world, but you can only see them if you close your eyes to the areas you consider ineffective and focus on the bright side (which is life).

Sure, there are a lot of people who have lost their lives and as such, you have had their hopes cut off, but as long as you are alive, there is hope for you. So you should focus on that. The main hinge on which our hope hangs is the gift of life, and no matter how dark this world may be, we can still focus on the bright side of life.

Several times a friend of mine complained about the high cost of building materials when he was embarking on a project to build his own house. When we met, that was the only thing he talked about: the high cost of concrete, sand, bars, etc.

At some point, one thing caught his attention. I told him he could build a house. This will make him grateful and not complain. I also told him that there are a lot of people without land, and they talk more about construction, but here he complains about what he should be grateful for.

If he can only focus on the good part, he might know he's in the elite league of the country. It is true that the world is not all rosy, nor is it a world without challenges, but that is also what makes life full of adventures and worthwhile.

In the truest sense of the word, there would be no challenge, life itself would be boring because there was nothing to do and there would be no solution to find because there was no problem.

Without the night, the dawn of the day would not have been appreciated. Without conflict, the need for peace would not be appreciated. Without challenges, solutions would not be appreciated. So, when the challenge comes, you don't have to see it as something stopping you, but see it on the bright side as something that paves the way for success. higher increase.

To be able to see opportunity in the midst of challenges, or to see the light even in the dark, you need to develop your thinking and reasoning with an open mind (not an empty mind), and then trying to look ahead and beyond. I can see. Only then will you realize that the cave you despise or fear may be the one holding the treasure you are seriously looking for.

No matter how dangerous the situation may be, you cannot refuse it in vain because good can still come from it. You'll agree with me that when gold looks like a mud mine, if you throw it away because it's covered in dirt, you're missing out on something beautiful. Likewise, just because the current situation is bad does not mean that there is no bright side to it, nor does it mean that good things cannot come from it. So always keep that in mind.

Thank You....

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