3 Little Monkeys


3 Little Monkeys

Two years have passed since my 1st visit to Rishikesh. In that time I wasn't in a good shape after a traumatic relationship but they helped and fully fixed me in the Art Of Living ashram in Bangalore 10 days before I arrived to Rishikesh.

I have fallen in love with this place. It is very peaceful and the locals are not greedy and pushy to buy whatever they are offering. Even the holy river Ganges is clean here and I enjoy bathing in it. There are places around where you can get lost and meet no people at all but rather wild animals including elephants and leopards.

The monkeys are more city animals like cows and dogs here in Rishikesh. They learnt how to exist near the people. Fortunately, here they serve no meat in the restaurants. In some places you can find only chicken eggs. In the hindu holy cities like Rishikesh no violence is practiced and that includes veganism or vegetarianism.

These 3 teenage langurs reminded me of my mom and some indirect wisdom lessons that she tried to pass on me during my childhood and my teenage years. The 3 monkeys: one doesn't hear, the other doesn't see and the 3rd doesn't speak. I again have forgotten the symbolism of the 3 monkeys and wisdom they pass on but it's worthy to check it out and I'll do it too to remind myself.

My mom was fascinated by that 3 monkeys wisdom and she was from time to time showing me again only in different forms depending of how it was displayed. Anyway, I've forgotten...

These 3 teenage langurs were resting near the Ram Jhula bridge and petting each other with occasional playing. That was such a nice moment that I just needed to capture it. After all, what is India without monkeys?!

This is my entry to @photofeed's Wild Life Photo Contest #106. Thanks for keep ongoing with this contest!
