Masks and lockdown mandates don't stop PCR test positive rates

There was more good news in April with listing the ridiculous and useless mask mandates, as New Hampshire joined the ranks of states who stopped imposing this harmful medical tyranny on its citizens.

But one thing to ask is why? Why did the New Hampshire Gov. lift the covered 19 mask mandate? Why do it in mid April? Why not do it earlier? Why was it justifiable to stay in place until then, but not after?

You see, they never talk about the reasons for lifting their mask mandates. They never talk about how there was no actual utility to it previously, despite continuing to enforce these mask mandates at the time.

What changed? Either they were wrong the whole time while they enforced mask mandates, or their wrong now to lift them for no apparent reason. One thing is for certain, the forced harmful wearing of masks that were totally useless for their stated purpose.

If they were wrong this whole time, then they should admit to that and hold themselves accountable. This includes the lockdowns. This brought economic ruin, increased suicides. The whole craze over the new virus prevented people from getting cancer screenings and treatments. Many people died who could have potentially been treated and prevented from dying. All because the only thing that mattered was a new coronavirus.

If it wasn't that they were wrong the whole time, because they didn't have some new data that made them change their mind, what is this new data? What is the new science that now shows they don't need a mask mandate? Something changed, what was it?

If there is new data, new scientific evidence, then it should be pointed to as the facts of what is happening in reality, whether that data and the interpretation of it is accurate or some more bullshit, they should at least be pointing to it as a reason for changing their position. But the politicians aren't saying there's new science, and the not admitting that they made a mistake to hold themselves accountable. They're just acting like dictators who just all of a sudden change their mind and here's the new policy that everyone abides by. That's exactly what they did when they issued mask mandates and lockdowns in the first place.

If they're not admitting there is new data that made them change their mind, then the logical conclusion is nothing has changed prior to having mass mandates, to then imposing mask mandates, and after when you remove the mask mandates. Their whole decision-making has been arbitrary and based on no sound science or data from reality. It is continue to shift and do what they want without giving us anything concrete.

This goes for Texas and Florida. Why? We need answers.

Since they're not going to divulge any data, here is some data. A good example of this is the recent surge in cases and deaths in India as they introduced and amped up their vaccination program for the experimental injections. The experts in the media on December 30, 2020 were saying that Cove 19 was consuming India, that is until everyone or nearly everyone started wearing masks.

On April 9, 2020, this is when the mask mandates came in they were punishable by up to six months in prison if you didn't obey. What happened to the cases? They skyrocketed afterwards. The mask had no effect in reducing cases. If anything they helped the amount of cases increase. Yet after all of this on December 30, 2020 and the Wall Street Journal says the masks are the reason cases dropped.

As you can see from the graph, the masks are not the reason cases dropped. This is of course a false case, because were only talking about PCR test positive results, not actual cases of people being sick or hospitalized. But regardless, what you see is what happens every season with respiratory illnesses, where there is a seasonal influx in any decrease. The masks had no effect.

Hopefully you've seen this one before, which shows the states with mask mandates having more deaths per million. Clearly there is no correlation between wearing a mask and reducing the amount of deaths. It's time to wake up people. You're being deceived.
