What if - If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? Why would you change it? How would you change it?

If I were to acquire any super powers, I would want to have the power to control time. I have this weakness of tardiness. I am known from school and everywhere I been to as always being late.

If I were to change any ugly side of my life, I would love to change my habit of incessant lateness. I attend late to almost everything, I even sleep late.

I have missed a lot of opportunities due to lateness to events or appointed places. When I was in high school, I joined the school bus most times only in the afternoon. I was always late to bus stop in the morning and I had to take the taxi which in search of other passengers would delay and I would end up arriving school late. I have been advised by parents, teachers and friends to work on this part of my life and I had been trying my best. During my graduation ceremony, I missed the president breakfast due to the promptiness of the event and my late arrival.

I won't say time is my enemy but I would say it all my fault. I feel I have never prioritized things, I don't do things smart and I also love procrastination. So to change this ugly I need to start sleeping early to also wake early. Waking up early helps a man plan his day ahead. My parents hate me for being a sluggish human being, I do things more sluggish than a snail could. I feel that having this consciousness of finishing a task as quick as possible to face the next task would help me a lot. If possible I have to create a schedule for myself to help me match up my activities with the appropriate time. By these strategies,I believe I will change this part of my life for good.


Is this fiction or real? Are you just late because you are busy, out of disinterest or laziness?

I am always on time or (too) early you can have what I have too much. That should do the trick.


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Fam I think it is important that you find the cause of your procrastination. Because keep in mind that procrastination can be a symptom of different conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, among others. Or there are people who realize that they like how adrenaline makes them feel and, by always being late for things, that pressure makes them generate adrenaline and feel the way they like.

