The Wedding Ceremony This Saturday

Today I had to do some home cleaning before preparing for the wedding ceremony set to start by eleven a.m prompt.

Having in mind the wedding ceremony, I woke very early in the morning so as to finish up the cleaning and prepare for the wedding. After the cleaning activity, I knew time was against me and lost the vibe of attending the wedding. I wanted to change my mind but I said ,"No!!!!!!" I must taste their food,lol.

I dressed up as fast as I could just to meet up with the refreshments time. After dressing up,I took my little nephew with me so that he could also have his own share of the food and chicken we were hoping to be served there.

When we arrived there, we had no seats to make ourselves comfortable. The whole hall was filled and I knew that was our indirect punishment for arriving late. We were directed by the protocols to move to the overflow inorder not to block the entrance to the hall where the bride and groom will pass when matching out.

When they finally matched our, I wanted to take some pictures but the crowd was not encouraging. I had to take some of my pictures from up there in the overflow where I stayed. A lot of people went to hug them, snap them, and some just to show off and appear in the photographs.

I was able to get some pictures later when the crowd reduced after which I went into the hall with my nephew to settle for the refreshments. I had the opportunity to take up the empty seats left by people who went to take pictures outside. When the girl who formerly sat on the seat I was sitting on returned, her facial expression told me immediately that she felt like shooting me,lol.

We waited for a long time before the refreshments were shared. The MC was trying to keep us entertained as they were dishing out the food. Some people who had no patience or had an appointment left due to this delay. In my mind, I said"Are you sure the organizer of this event didn't plan this delay intentionally to make people leave and then the food will be enough for those that stayed?"

I was happy when the food finally arrived because it is my favorite food and I ate to my satisfaction.
I wished the wedding ceremony would also be held again next Saturday.


The bride and groom look so beautiful! I've never went to a wedding so I have no experience nor idea of how they should look like. What is that food that you had? I mean that orange potatoish thing, looks like a camote (sweet potato).


Wowwwwww, you've never been to a wedding before?
Yea, the bride and groom often appear in their best costumes ever as it is a one time celebration of their life.
About the "potatoish thing"🤭🤭, it's a boiled bean cake,I bet you will love to have a taste of it.
