The Family Gourmand ( a.k.a FG)

"This boy is not eating well and he is not sick, what do we do?" My dad asked my Mom as she was trying to feed me. My Mom replied,"I don't know dear but we should hope he'll change". My parents prayed for me everyday to gain appetite as I was looking lean. But this prayer was their biggest mistake because when I turned ten I started my journey to becoming the master glutton of the family.

I started eating very well when I was ten. I had a new look now and my parents gave me an opportunity to dish food from the pot anytime I felt hungry. This chance was later taken away when I became the master glutton. Now I was in grade five and I used to join the school bus when going and when returning from school. I was the only son and first child of my family with a younger sister. She usually stayed in the daycare till my Mom returned from work and went to pick her up.

When I turned thirteen and was approaching adolescence I became the master I was attaining since. I revealed the real gourmet I was. My parents were afraid of running bankrupt from buying food stuff and took the decision of dishing out food for me when they were around. So I was only free to visit the pot when I returned from school or anytime I was not home. I used to see myself having a passover feast in the dream. My parents had caught me on different occasions waking up in the night to eat food in the kitchen. I never preferred our family phone to food. The phone didn't have games or anything fun. It was meant to be used for doing assignments and emergency calls.

My Dad finally got me a phone in my grade five so that I could have contact with most of my peers. I used this phone to play games,chat, watch films and listen to music. I can't really say these things were prior to food. Most times when the power supply was interrupted and my phone was dead, I survived. But my parents knew that their son could never survive without food in the house so they made sure there was always food in the house.

Now that I am in a higher institution and I am reading a course that requires one to be a bookworm, food is a very important factor. I can stay a day without using my phone but I can't stay a day without food as I can never read when hungry.

When I was young and I didn't love eating food, I only enjoyed eating fatty food. I developed colon cancer which started manifesting at my youthful age , that's now. This condition has made me have a reason to love food the most. Doctors told me that I should not stay hungry so as to avoid triggering the pain effects of the cancer. So with this condition, I would prefer food over the phone, not only for a day but for even an hour.

For these days that we on break from school,I have been helping my Dad at our plantain plantation. My Dad has retired from his work and decided to dive into peasant farming. When visiting the plantation,we know we are going to work very well. So before going we would eat well. I can't say I need a phone on the farm but what I need is strength to work which I can only get from food. So I feel I can spend my day without a phone but food is a must.


I would say you really enjoyed a nice treats from parents when you were young. I wish I could go back to such age. Thanks a lot for sharing
