The Denied Man

"Hello everyone, I hope you are still with me", the religious teacher asked the pupils. And with great excitement,they responded,"yes sir!!!!"

I was the class teacher of the pupils of grade three in the school I was working at before. I used to enjoy staying around when the pupils were studying this religious studies because the class was always fun and interesting stories must always be told.

One of the days I was around, the teacher told my pupils the story of a god who came in human form and started performing miracles everywhere. Everyone in a city called Juda knew this man. People started bringing the sick for him to help them heal and he healed them.

He had six men who always followed and assisted him. He called them his disciples. The first disciple he had was called Peter, a carpenter. The man(god in man form) made poor people his disciples, people who would not complain of anything like hunger, clothes or whatever but would be devoted in serving him.

This man performed miracles from city to city till he reached one of the cities where no one believes in the existence of any God. The place was called the Atheist City. This man knew he would not be welcomed in this city but believed that his miracles could change their mind. When the man entered the city and began to perform miracles some people started to believe in him and believed that there is God. The government of the city was raged. They decided to arrest the man and his disciples and jail them till death.

When the disciples heard this five of them vanished leaving the man and Peter to be arrested. But when Peter realized what decision he was about to take he denied the man as they came to arrest him. He vowed never to have seen the man before. Because of the denial, the man was arrested alone. But afterwards, when Peter left the scene, he regretted the denial.


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