Spin experiences in Village and City

When I was a little boy. I lived in the village only with my parents,Mr and Mrs Steven Nancy. My elder siblings were all in the city, Friday and Blessed. I completed my primary education in the village.


Back then, I could still remember all the stupid plays we engaged in such as the spin competition where one person would stand and watch the rest spin and spots who becomes dizzy and falls first. To be the winner,one had to spin till the world appeared to that person like a blurred glass.

Some girls engaged in this game because as they spin, their skirts rose and attracted boys' attention to them but boys always spun to know who had the longest endurance. I was always the winner and girls loved me for that. I also made the girl who spinned beautiful my bestie.


But this play was later banned by the school head due to what happened later on. When school was over, Kelly who was always jealous of me as being the best in the spin competition decided to give me a personal challenge as he met me and said,"You think you're the best , right? "I will beat you hands down today". I accepted the challenge hoping that I would win.

Since I started this play and competition,I knew my limit. Once I think I have spun for like one minute and I will soon faint, I would stop no matter the position I would emerge. Finally, the competition between Kelly and I began, we spun till I reached my limit and I stopped and laid down to recover. When I got back myself, I was shocked to see Kelly still spinning. He thought I was still spinning and decided to impress his friend,a girl.

The whole play turned into a dangerous situation as Kelly suddenly fell on the floor and couldn't move and we could only see the white part of his eyes.Kelly was rushed to the school medical center. He later recovered but had a mental health problem. He couldn't concentrate on things for a long time.


After my primary education, my siblings took me to the city where they lived for my secondary education. They lived in Abuja, the capital city of the country. The eldest,Friday was a software developer while the second was a furniture dealer.When I reached the city,my siblings took good care of me. They wanted me to enjoy the city before starting to learn. They took me to different special places in town. One of the places I could never forget is the Tropicana Park.

I remember when I was made to sit on the merry-go-round and it spun. That reminded of the village school play.

It was to me like I would never stop spinning in my entire life.


I think I did that too while I was a child, but my parents grown at it badly. Kelly got what he deserved, I just hope he learned how to stop unnecessary competition.


He became my best friend later and learned how to learn than challenge.
Thanks for reading and commenting.🤗🤗


This is a nice story. You create the scene, provide motivation and even complete the arc by referring to your visits to the merry-go-round with your siblings. The arc is adequate but not strong. It's true that something happens in the story, but usually we look for a little more conflict.

Otherwise, this is well told.

Thank you for sharing this with us, @captainman


Thank you so much for the correction.
Well noted and will surely be applied.
