My Mom, the myths teller.

Back then when I was a child, my parents used to pamper me so much. They showed me love till I was filled.
I was fond of disturbing my parents for any food I needed. I remember once in school I saw one of my classmates bring tomatoes sauced spaghetti with boiled and fried eggs,sliced cucumber and a bottle of coke for lunch. I crammed everything in the food and when I got home, I started disturbing my parents that I needed such food. For my Mom to save herself and my dad from the disturbance,she told me a story,a myth. She said that not everyone I see in my class are humans. Some may be ghosts and they cook from hades and bring. So if anyone looks at their food and feels like eating it, the person will not wake up the next day. When I heard this I developed a sudden hatred for that meal.

Then the next night,I got a smell of my favorite food from nowhere."Mom, I smell someone frying stew,I want to eat stew", I cried to my Mom. Then she said,"Have you forgotten what I told you last time? Witches and wizards cook delicious meals in the night and children who feel like eating such a meal would die that night. Immediately I heard this,I went straight to bed and slept without even eating night food.


I also recall when I used to follow my mother to the market and whenever I saw toys I would leave her hands and run to the toy shop. Most times she would have to buy the toy before I let her go or I would cry my life out. To end this, she told me another myth that when humans are buying in the market,so are ghosts too. I had a little doubt but she told me if I wanted to see the ghost,I should bend and look down through my legs, that I would see white legs,those are the ghosts.

I was so scared,I didn't even have the mind to try what she said. Since then,I always held my Mom so tight that she complained I wanted to break her hands. Most times she would tell me to follow her to the market to help her carry some of her purchased items but I would not agree.

All these myths were told to me when I was at home with my parents. When I got admitted to the high school,I had to leave the house for the dormitory. Our dormitory is not really far from our recreational room. Most of us used to sneak out from our dormitory in the middle of the night to the recreational room to watch movies and play games. When our hostel master noticed this act,he came to our dormitory one of the nights and stayed with us till midnight and then woke those asleep up. He told us he had a story to tell us. He told us that there was a young girl who hated leaving her home to board. But she was forced by her parents,when she arrived the boarding house,she committed suicide. Since then,her spirit has been moving about every boarding school.

He called her Madam Koi Koi because she often walked in the night with high heels. He told us that she was looking for some boys to kill and he warned us never to leave our rooms by night. After this scary story,no one even thought to stay awake till light out time. But now, I know all those were myths meant to shape our thinking.

I wouldn't call my mother or my boarding master liars,they had to do that to achieve their immediate goals.


I also heard the story of this miss koi koi when I was in a boarding house. People claimed they hear her footsteps at night- I never did, but we believed it then


I have been told the story of that food thing and I don’t believe it either. I never did actually. Although it is at the back of my mind. Regarding Madam Koi Koi, she’s real. How do I know? I encountered her. I and my hostel mates.

It was a camp. And I remember as clear as day how we first heard the shoes. I was so scared I nearly peed myself when she came to our door. All of us went deathly still. Man… I can still remember and still feel the way my body quaked that night. She went upstairs and someone fell unconscious. Omoh, she’s real. You just never encountered her.


I never believed Madam Koi Koi but what you're saying now is making me scared of my past.😂😂😂
Thank God nothing happened to you then.


The looking through your leg in a market is a big classic! I can’t even try it now that I am grown but they were conspiracy theories that made growing up fun. They don’t tell stories like that no more.


That was when I was a little boy,I didn't even have the courage to try looking through my legs.
Yes, parents of nowadays don't make that fun available for their children anymore.


I’m working on conspiracy theories that will shake the world😂😂


You are so funny. But if you succeed in making them, please share with me.


The great duty of parents is always great, and the tide of love that they have unleashed upon you is truly a great thing. Keep up this wonderful activity of yours, inshallah you will be able to protect your excellence. Praying for parents.
