My Life Changer

When I was a little boy, I was very disobedient and I used to get angry easily. My parents had tried to advise me several times to turn a new leaf but their words were always like water off a duck's back. I didn't change this attitude until I began school.

Despite that I was always disobedient to my parents,they still loved me. My parents registered me in one of the best schools in the city. I was formerly in Broad Minds Academy but later changed to Royal Heritage Academy in my grade four. On my first day of attendance at Royal Heritage Academy, our class teacher asked everyone to always stand before greeting any visiting (subject) teachers. Everyone except me obeyed this instruction. Some of the subject teachers would want to question me on why I behaved dull in their class but my class teacher always covered up for me.

When the school activities were over for the day,my class teacher called me before I headed to the bus. She requested some time from me, which I gave her. She told me,"My sweet boy, you know this is my first time seeing you and talking to you, but to be honest I have already fallen in love with your personality". This saying touched me a bit in my heart. That was the first time I ever heard someone say he/she loved me for who I was,my parents though loved me but I knew they never loved me for who I was.

My class teacher concluded by saying,"... but there is one thing you must change in your attitude dear and I will help you do it". Then she promised to get me a gift the next day if I come early to school and wished me goodbye. I was happy. When the bus dropped me off at my gate, my parents already waiting for me saw the little smile on my face developed a great joy. "How was school today, son?" My mother asked. "It was good", I answered. I went into my room and took off my dress and went to the dining table. My parents had already gotten tired of always telling me to shower first before taking my lunch as they knew their shouts were like water off a duck's back.

I loved playing online action video games. I normally played this game till midnight. The only way my parents stopped me from playing this game is by manually shutting down the power supply. That day was a different day, they wanted me to maintain my happiness so they left me to play. But while playing with friends online,I slept with the game control pad on my hands. I couldn't remember when I slept that day but I slept in the playroom. When my parents woke up the next day, they checked my room but couldn't see me. They knew I must have slept in the playroom as usual. They woke me up and told me to prepare for school, but as I went into the bathroom, I slept there till everywhere was bright.

My parents, thinking I had dressed up, came into my room and couldn't find me and shouted my name, "Kane!! Kane!!!" I heard Mom's voice from the bathroom and woke up immediately and rushed to brush and bathe. My parents were angry but didn't want to show it out. I felt disappointed at myself because I knew I would miss my class teacher's gift. When I arrived at school, my class teacher's facial expression showed that she wasn't happy with me.

I felt like I was the worst human on earth and I had made the person who first loved me angry. She later called me and I asked her for forgiveness but she gave me a condition for her forgiveness. She told me that I must start obeying instructions given to me by anyone and I must learn to control my anger issues. She told me that she would be waiting for my parents' report after a week about my attitude, then she would decide if to forgive me or not and if I would get my gift or not. I didn't know how I changed my attitude,but I became very obedient, I couldn't remember that I was once disobedient in my life.

My class teacher changed my life forever and I will never forget her. I promised my parents that I would never take any good instruction given to me by anyone like water off a duck's back again in my life.


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You're lucky to have such kind of teacher. I had a teacher that helped me overcome my nervousness. I'll forever be grateful to her.


Teachers are the second best life changers outside home, after parents.


That's an awesome teacher. A teacher that can connect with student's emotion to effect a positive change.


She was indeed a kind of teacher that will forever stick in ones memory and you were lucky to have her as your teacher.


It's good, I'm glad your teacher then made a positive impact on your life
