My Cleaning Activity for Today 24th Feb; 2025.

Happy new week guys!
I did my cleaning activity this morning before leaving for school and it was a wet one. After I had gathered all the materials I often use for my cleaning activity, I observed my picking gloves were not among them. I had forgotten them outside and it rained heavily yesterday.

Yesterday night wasn't cool for me. I was having a little headache and I decided to sleep off to rest my brain a bit. Late in the night, I felt a cool breeze around my body. It was about to rain. The breeze was so heavy that I had to rise from bed to shut the windows. It was more like a storm on the sea.

Today's cleaning activity was a wet one just like I said before, since it rained heavily yesterday. After I had gathered my gloves, trash can and picking bag, I left through the main gate to clean my street.
The major garbage I picked were snacks items and some sachet water wraps.

Here are the photos I took while carrying out my cleaning activity today.

At the end of the picking, I headed to the trash can and properly disposed of the gathered trash in the trash can.

I decided to do my cleaning activity in the morning today because I didn't have much school activities in the morning. So I had enough time to do my cleaning activity before leaving home for school.

Though I was able to do my cleaning activity at home this morning, I didn't have time to post it immediately because I had other house chores piling up.
But now that I'm free at school, I decided to make the post of my cleaning activity into the #cleanplanet community.
