My Cleaning Activity for Today, 1st Feb.
Happy New Month guys!!!!!
It's February, wow!!! We've made it through and I hope and pray everyone of us will finish this month strong and healthy.
I did my cleaning activity today and it's a step to making my month a useful and worthy one.
Before I move on with talking about my cleaning activity for today, I would love to share some of my setbacks from last month and how I feel I can turn a new leaf this new month. It's often said that when opportunity meets with preparation, success is inevitable.
This new month would probably be a very stressful one and it's my exam month meaning that I would be writing exams back to back. I'm still planning on how I would be able to keep up my consistency on hive as well as not lagging with school activities. Just like I said earlier, I've made plans on how to study better so I would see success in my exams.
Last month wasn't too good for me in the sense that most of my plans were shattered due to some reasons or another.
One of the things I don't love doing is counting my failures, I prefer to count my successes and work harder and I believe this new month would be my best ever both in academics and finances.
Without talking much, here are the photos of my cleaning exercise this morning.
I didn't do my cleaning activity at home today because I had to leave for school, so I didn't use my gloves, so sad.
But I still did the needful.
After I had used the black trash bag to gather the trash on the floor, I had to find the right place to . Since I didn't find a basket, I had to improvise with a waste sack bag. This sack bag contains a lot of trash which probably had been used for a cleaning activity.
Thanks friends for stopping by.
Enjoy your day friends!!!
It's great to see that as you were unfortunately unable to perform your cleaning activity at home, you still performed it at your school.
Great photography.It actually looks great to take special steps to protect the environment.These are peaceful scenes because it is necessary to protect the community.