"Antarctica" - My Hellscape

When I was a child, I always dreamed of visiting America or London because those were the cities I was used to hearing from parents and adults. I could even remember when I used to imagine how I would grow up and marry my crush,Hannah and take her to America for a tour.


But since my childhood , I had never imagined never being afraid of or not being interested in visiting any place. But this prompt has made me start thinking of places I would never want to visit even if there is a golden egg there. One of the places I would never love to visit in my life is Antarctica. Antarctica is both a country and continent.


I would not love to visit Antarctica for many different reasons. First, Antarctica is very cold. Its average temperature is -50 degrees Fahrenheit which means no food kept open can spoil easily. Everything is frozen. I am the kind of person that cold could affect. Only my siblings and parents make use of the air conditioner in their rooms and also because of me my parents did not fix the air conditioner in the sitting room.

I would not also love to visit Antarctica because it is isolated and has received little or no civilization at all. It has no towns, cities or villages. The distance for the journey to Antarctica is far and could take days for any traveler to arrive there by ship which is the only possible means.

There is only a minute form of life there. The place just looks like a place where a magical ice fight occurred and no one survived. I can remember what my dad always told me that" if any man does not need trouble with a fellow man, he should pack his luggage and move to the bush and live there alone, because man can never run away from troubles". But I think the saying would be better this way," if any man wants to avoid problems,he should travel to and live in Antarctica",lol.

Antarctica is very dangerous as it has unpredictable weather and lots of wild animals like the polar bears that could pose a threat to humans.



Some of the unpredictable weathers in the Antarctica that could result to result to merciless destructions are the katabatic winds which blow down from the mountain to the coast with great speed of about 100 miles per hour (I guess this could blow a human being away)and blizzards which create whiteout conditions that hinders clear visibility. There is also the foehn wind which brings warm air and causes temperature changes.

One thing that could also make me not want to visit a place is the natural disaster that occurs in that region. For Antarctica, it has a lot of natural disasters ranging from icequakes to blizzards to avalanches and even volcanic eruptions.


The most famous natural disaster in Antarctica is the Larsen Ice Shelf Collapse. In 2002, a massive chunk of ice - about the size of Rhode Island - broke off from the Antarctic Peninsula. It was caused by rising temperatures, and it resulted in a huge increase in the flow of glaciers into the ocean and probably to the death of most aquatic organisms that couldn't adapt to it.

I am the kind of person that fears natural disasters a lot. Any country that has recurring cases of natural disasters is a "no-go-area" for me.


I've know Antarctica to be cold but not terrifyingly chilling as you have explained. I'd do well to read more about the place. I love the cold but do not think I can fare well with that region as I imagine myself getting frozen.
I understand that you have issues with cold but personally, I would pick this region over some others


That's you, you may have own reasons, right?
I would love you to make more research on the country and see if you won't change your mind.
