She Wakes Up In Area 51 Tied To An Operating Table, But Her Doctor Is An Alien

Welcome to our #movierecaponleo, it's the 8th edition and we are here to share the story of "She Wakes Up In Area 51 Tied To An Operating Table, But Her Doctor Is An Alien".
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If you understand English, you are free to listen to the video, and for better understanding, we decided to put it into writing so that it can be translated.


These people have woken up in the middle of Area 51 with no memory of how they got there but unbeknownst to them they are about to be part of an experiment that may be human or possibly even alien in origin.

Three soldiers are performing a recon mission of some kind in a lab when they are attacked by a mysterious entity that picks them off one by one leaving only one of them alive shooting at the shadows.

Next, four people wake up in the middle of a windowless room at the Area 51 base, among them is Hanna who is an auditor from the Department of Defense, a soldier named Gali Sullivan, a man named Russell Turnerv from Civil Services, and a mysterious Russian named Dimitri. As they all Slowly come to their senses, Hannah inquires what is going on and Russell replies that this is either some kind of drill or something top secret is being moved around on the base which is why they've been locked in here.
They all notice cotton swabs on their arms and Russell laments how poor employees of Area 51 are treated regardless of whether this is the procedure here and they can't do anything about it.

Hannah notices a red card in Russell's hand and asks what it is, he replies that it states he is the leader for the entire duration of whatever procedure they are currently undergoing. Gali coughs, catches Attention and Russell tries to chat with her pointing out that they once worked together, he then proceeds to exchange stories with Hanna who reveals that she is a security auditor and advises the Department of Defense on matters of national security.
As Russell begins to tell her about his work and life Dimitri scoffs at the fact that this is what they are choosing to do at this time.
Russell tries to gauge Dimitri's past noticing his Russian accent but he refuses to reveal too much, just then the light starts fluctuating Dimitri investigates his surroundings and listens through the walls he hears the backup generators close by and says that they are no longer on their designated north side
of the base, they are now underground.

He decides to open the door and walk out but Russell stands in his way, he argues that they don't know what is out there and that by opening the door Dimitri could expose them to something they are not supposed to be exposed to.
Dimitri tries to fight him on this but Hanna agrees with Russell and says that they should just wait a while before they do anything rash.

Next, Gali wakes up and finds herself covered in blood from an injury on her neck, she looks around and is shocked to see that she is suddenly completely alone in the room, then she hears someone violently knocking on the door and cautiously approaches it. Before she can open the door she starts hearing classical music coming from the other direction as she walks toward the sound, a translucent entity with glowing eyes appears behind her and disappears just as quickly, she turns around and screams as something is toward her.

Next, she wakes up tied to a table with her spine split open and someone getting ready to operate on her, finally, she wakes up in the room screaming revealing all of this to be a dream. Russell, Hanna, and Dimitri try to hold her down as she screams in fear. Seeing all this Dimitri tries to head for the door again and Russell once again stops him this time a fight ensues and Hanna desperately tries to break it up. finally, Gali comes to her senses and tells them all to stop.

Next, Russell puts a chair in front of the door and sleeps on it while Hanna talks to Dimitri, she asks him what's got him so rattled and he explains that if the backup generators are on it means there is no power on the base which is a cause for worry, then he asks her what she remembers from this morning and she just says that she doesn't remember being drugged and brought to this room.
Dimitri says that he remembers having breakfast with his brother which isn't possible because his brother died years ago, somehow they have the wrong memories of how their morning went today.
He asks Hanna what day she thinks it is and she says it's Monday, Dimitri says that for him it's Thursday confusing Hanna. Gali asks Russell to check the back of her neck for any injuries because what she saw in her dream felt very real to her and he tells her that there is nothing back there. Suddenly the power goes out and Dimitri says the backup generator has failed. Outside, the one remaining soldier out of three continues to shoot at something, the power comes back on and as soon as it does, Dimitri attacks Russell he holds Russell back and tells Hanna to get out but Gali stops her.

Just then the soldier who has been running for his life through the facility arrives at the door and asks to be let in a panicked voice, Gali asks him to identify himself and he reveals that his name is Master Sargent Ryan Piece, they let him in and Dimitri immediately grabs his gun. Ryan informs them that the entire base has been evacuated and he doesn't know why, but he knows that if they stay here someone will come to rescue them. Hanna demands to know why they've been left in this room, but Ryan says he has no information for her, he doesn't remember anything other than waking up in this place either.
Gali coughs and this seems to alarm Ryan suspiciously asks how long she's had the cough and doesn't get a straight answer.

Dimitri says that no one is coming for them and their best shot is going through the tunnels a couple of floors down which leads straight to gate 1.

Ryan cryptically tells Dimitri that he does not want to go into those tunnels but Dimitri doesn't listen, Hanna theorizes that Ryan is hiding something but he doesn't give a straight answer. Dimitri asks Ryan for the way to the elevator and he makes it clear that he won't be joining them in their escape attempt. Gali who is Ryan's superior
polls rank and say that he will, he refuses to recognize her authority in this matter but then Dimitri shows him the gun which is an authority that he immediately recognizes. They open the door and he reluctantly leads the way to the elevator.

On the way, Gali's health begins to deteriorate. meanwhile, Dimitri finds that the elevator isn't working because the entire facility is on lockdown since the stairs don't reach low enough to get to the tunnels, Dimitri decides to break into the elevator panel to get it to start for this purpose they arrive at an upstairs lab to grab some tools, Gali's health renders her unable to walk too much and she and Ryan decide to wait in the lab while the other three go to work on the elevator. On the way down Hanna gets separated from the other two she spots someone or something moving in the shadows then she hears a little girl's voice calling her mama which
freaks her out. hearing commotion all around her, she decided to make a run for it and caught up with the other two. Upstairs Ryan notices a bite-like wound on Gali's neck as her health becomes even worse, they hear someone or something moving outside and Gali says they must alert the other three, Ryan argues that there is nothing they can do for the others but Gali orders him to step aside the allows her to step out of the lab but as she does, he locks the door behind her.

Meanwhile, Hanna and the gang start hearing commotions around them get louder and decide to make a run for it, they end up coming face to face with an alien entity, and horrified they run back to the lab. Ryan refuses to open the door for them but Dimitri points the gun at him and this changes his mind, they lock themselves inside the lab and The alien entity circles outside but leaves when it doesn't find them. Hannah and the others ask where Gali is and he replies that she left, they all get upset with Ryan for letting Gali go, but he points out that she's sick with some disease that is probably alien, she's a lost cause.
He also points out that she knew what she was up against from the start, she knows more than most of them. Hanna proved him wrong as she revealed that she knew these aliens came to Earth in the 1950s, they've been kept locked up since then so that humans could study their technology.
Russell asks what they want and Hanna reveals that so far they only know of one goal of the aliens to evolve, which is why they're becoming faster stronger, and far more dangerous with time. Russell says that they can't leave Gali out there by herself, he decides to go after her and tells Dimitri to get the elevator working.
Dimitri hands him the gun, and Russell finds Gali lying by herself on one of the lower floors but when he comes near her, he sees that one side of her face is mutated and her eyes are glowing like the aliens.

Russell makes a run for it but finds himself cornered in a dark corridor with the alien approaching him from the other side.
Up in the lab Hanna, there are gunshots from the floors below undoubtedly due to the duel between the alien and Russell, but when she tries to head out Ryan stops her pointing out that she would just lead the aliens here.
Dimitri pushes Ryan away from Hanna but agrees that there is no point in going out. Ryan notices the same bite-like wound on Dimitri's neck that he saw in Gali and realizes that he is infected too.

To ensure his survival He attacks Dimitri with a screwdriver but during the fights, Dimitri manages to turn the screwdriver around and stab Ryan in the heart killing him. Hanna is horrified at what Dimitri has done, Dimitri monologues and reveals that his brother died falling through the ice on a frozen lake and he was too scared to do anything to save him, he blames his actions for his brother's death and has never been the same man since, since they are randomly discussing regrets after just murdering this man, Hanna reveals that she regrets working too much and not spending enough time with her daughter Emily, now she doesn't think she'll get a chance to correct this mistake, Dimitri disagrees and vows to get that elevator working to get them out of there, he grabs the screwdriver out of Ryan's chest and the two heads downstairs.

On the way Dimitri's health starts deteriorating just like Gali's did, he fights through the sickness and begins working on the elevator, meanwhile Hanna here a commotion around them and goes to investigate, she follows the noise to the stairs where unbeknownst to her the alien is standing behind her, she turns around sees it and makes a run for she holds the alien back at the door to the stairway and in the meantime, Dimitri manages to get the elevator working, he has a choice between taking the elevator himself and helping Hanna and he chooses to help her.

He jams the screwdriver in the door to buy them some time the physics of which make no sense and they reach the elevator, the doors of the elevator close in the alien's face but as they are heading down something rocks the entire elevator and the power goes out. In the dark Dimitri, the condition becomes as bad as Gali's at the end and his eyes start glowing like the aliens he attacks Hanna while screaming help me and she decides to help him by taking a pipe wrench to his head repeatedly and killing him.

Next, by the power of an outrageously convenient plot the elevator starts working and Hanna arrives at the lowest levels, she here the same classical music that Gali heard in her dream and decides to walk toward it as opposed to away from it which would be the logical thing to do at this point, as she is walking she starts hearing the voices of hundreds of people chatting around her even though there is no one else their, unbeknownst to her she is being followed by two aliens and then finally she turns around and sees that she is surrounded by aliens.

One alien creeps up behind her and knocks her out while she is knocked out Hanna has a flashback of driving her daughter and recalls getting in an accident, in the present Hannah is being dragged by an alien and the thought of going home to her possibly injured daughter motivates her to fight the alien off, she stabs the alien with a screwdriver and makes a run for it she arrives at the tunnels that Dimitri mentioned and as she starts crawling, the alien follows her.

She notices that the tunnels are frail and when the alien grabs her leg she kicks the wooden pieces propping the tunnel to collapse on top of the alien killing it.
finally and exhausted Hanna manages to reach the surface where she sees a military vehicle approaching in the distance.

Next, Hannah wakes up in a hospital where a doctor tells her that her daughter is here for a visit, but Hannah is shocked and confused to see that her daughter is all grown up, the same bite wound is revealed to be on Hanna's neck which was on Gali's and Dimitri's, making it unclear whether Hannah is seeing her daughter or this is another mind game like the one the aliens played on Gali in the start.

  • The End

Thanks for watching and reading through our movie recap on Leo, see you in the next edition 🥂🥂🥂.

  • The screenshots were taken directly from the video and edited via the Snapseed App.

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