Astronaut gets captured by 300 aliens that have been living on the moon for 1000 years by themselves.


We welcome you to our 2nd edition on #movierecaponleo, I hope you enjoyed the previous movie recap?

In this 2nd edition, we are going to be talking/writing about the "Astronaut who were captured by 300 aliens that have been living on the moon for 1000 years by themselves". I know it's sounds somehow impossible, but let's check it out and see how it all happened.

if you understand English, you are free to listen to the video and for better understanding, we decided to put it to writing so that it can be translated.

These astronauts are about to be caught in the middle of hundreds[100] of aliens that have been living on the moon for longer than anyone knows. According to all official records, the Apollo17 mission in 1972 was the last time that man went to the moon. However, recently declassified footage2011 reveals that a secret Apollo18 mission was sent by the Department of Defense,
the footage begins by showing the interviews of three astronauts. John Gray, Nathan Walker, and Ben Anderson.

The three astronauts talk about their mission, the mission is classified and organized by the Department of Defense. The astronauts aren't even allowed to tell their families about it, the objective is to deliver a special machine called the PSD5 which the astronauts have been told is an early missile detection system that the us government wants to get to the moon before the Russians, they are also to collect more moon rock samples which Nathan doesn't understand because to his knowledge almost eight hundred[800] pounds of moon rocks have already been brought back to Earth by previous missions.

Next, the three astronauts settle into their rocket and are launched from Earth, they watch the view of Earth from space in awe and prepare to land on the moon. John will be staying back with the ship to keep it in orbit, while Nathan and Ben will be taking the lander and spending two nights on the moon to complete their mission. Next, Nathan and Ben land on the moon, while John wishes them the best of luck over the radio.
After landing, Nathan and Ben whipped out a few handheld cameras to document the mission while also setting up some cameras at the location of their lander alongside the flag of the United States of America.

They mess around and have some fun before starting the actual mission. Next, Nathan and Ben take out the PSD5, and while they are doing that a strange interference occurs in the video and the audio transmissions, while the power in the lander also fluctuates. Nathan asked for mission control to look into it while he and Ben drove a rover to the place where they were supposed to set up the PSD5. The two astronauts set up another camera at the location of the PSD5 and collected some moon rock samples. Ben reports that the rock sample felt very strange, footage from the camera shows one of the rocks in the back near a crater moving by itself unbeknownst to both astronauts.

Interference occurs once again in the audio and visual streams and Nathan is a little curious about its source, the two astronauts return to the lander deposit the samples into a container, and call it night. As the astronauts are sleeping, loud shrieking, clicking, and scratching noises are heard over the radio which wakes them up. They asked mission control if this could be some kind of interfering signal from the PSD5 and they said they would ask the Department of Defense if it was possible.
The astronauts go back to sleep
while they sleep, the camera outside the lander spots another moon rock moving by itself. The astronauts wake up and while they prepare for another day out on the moon, John informs them that he will be orbiting the other side of the moon and hence he will be out of radio contact.

Afterward, as Nathan and Banner having breakfast, Ben notices that one of the rock samples that he collected the day before, is out of the container of its plastic bag and on the floor of the lander. Both astronauts are bewildered by how this is possible as they very carefully bagged and deposited all the samples they re-bagged.
Next Nathan and Ben head out for the second day's mission of activating the PSD5, but on the way to the PSD5 location, they lose contact with mission control.
Nathan assumes that some momentary problem with the communication systems, but the radio contact does not return for quite a while.

While at the location of the PSD5, Ben notices footprints on the ground that are very clearly not theirs. They try to report this but mission control and John are both out of contact, so they decide to follow the footprints. while following the prints, they notice that they are going in circles at one point suggesting disorientation,
quite possibly from oxygen deprivation.
After following the footprints for a little while, they come across another lander which is revealed to be a Russian.
They are confused regarding why they weren't informed that there would be Russian cosmonauts here as well. However, as they approach the Russian lander they realize that something is not quite right, the flag outside is down and inside the lander is in a terrible state as if something wreaked havoc there. Nathan checks the basic life support systems of the lander and they appear to be intact.

Next, Nathan discovers some bloodied uniforms and first aid kits in the lander and he gets worried.
Outside, Ben notices the footprints leading into a dark crater and decides to go in to investigate. While investigating, he reports that the crater is full of rocks and the ground is different down there, he says the ground is softer.

Ben is about to return to the surface when he spots the decaying body of a Russian cosmonaut, freaking out he drags the body up to the surface to investigate. The helmet of the cosmonaut is broken and Ben notices that there is a rip in the space suit. When he reaches to check it out the cosmonaut jolts suddenly as if that wasn't enough reason to walk away, Ben reaches in again and finds a rock in the suit.

The two are completely freaked out but they are running out of oxygen so they decide to return to the lander.
At the lander, Nathan speaks to mission control and asks if they knew that there was a Russian mission there. Mission control says that there have been no manned Russian missions to the moon since 1969, but Nathan says that it can't be a coincidence that their mission just happens to land close to a Russian mission, someone must know about this. Mission control says that this is a Department of Defense mission so they know all the facts, Nathan demands to speak to them and mission control says they will be here shortly. Meanwhile, Ben and Nathan theorize that the Department of Defense may have lied to them about the true purpose of this mission.

Nathan in Ben go to sleep and while they are sleeping, a strong interference occurs on the video camera outside the lander, a jolt is felt inside the lander and Nathan is awakened by his helmet falling, he looks outside and sees nothing. Next, Ben wakes up and notices that the flag they put up outside is gone, he theorizes that there might have been another Russian cosmonaut who went crazy and killed the one that they found, he suspects that that is who took their flag as well. However, John who has now returned to this side of the moon and reestablished contact says that, if that were the case the other cosmonaut would have to be walking around the moon for twelve hours now, and no suit can carry that kind of oxygen.
Nathan speaks to a member of the Department of Defense and he informs Nathan that they suspected there would be a Russian mission but they had no confirmation of it. He also confirms that their intelligence suggests there was only one cosmonaut in the Russian mission so Bens's theory is incorrect.
This information puzzles the two astronauts even more, but the time for their return journey has arrived so they decide to ask the rest of the questions when they are home.
As the two astronauts are preparing to launch the lander off the ground, another strong shrieking sound is heard on the radio, they decide to hurry the launch up. But right as they are counting down, something knocks down and drags the camera outside, and then a massive jolt is felt throughout the lander.

Instruments inside the lander show that they have lost all communications and are leaking oxygen. Nathan assumes that it was a meteorite strike but when he steps out he finds no debris however he notices that the rover has been tipped on its side. Next Nathan logs in a report that he has found signs of extraterrestrial life.

Ben asks him over the radio what he is talking about and Nathan says that he has found new footprints on the ground but these prints aren't human, he notices that the side of the lander looks like it's been shredded by claws and he finds the flag in the same state as well.

Nathan hurriedly tips the rover back right and adjusts the antenna telling Ben to contact mission control or John.
Ben cannot make contact and then suddenly Nathan says that something is moving, ben says that he can't see anything but Nathan says something is moving inside his suit then he starts screaming and moving around hysterically camera footage shows a spider-like creature in Nathan's helmet.

Ben rushes out to help him, once outside the
then finds Nathan lying on the ground with air leaking out of his suit, he is barely breathing. Ben helps Nathan into the lander and barely restores pressure and time to save him.

Meanwhile, John and mission control or both trying to reach the two astronauts but fail. Once Nathan is stable again, Ben asks him what happened outside and with a rather straight face, Nathan replies that he just tripped fell, and broke his helmet.

Ben is confused and says that he remembers Nathan shouting that something was moving in his suit, Nathan says that he doesn't remember that.
Just then, Ben notices that Nathan is bleeding through his suit.

Nathan took off his shirt and there was a big wound on his stomach.
Ben feels it and realizes that there is something hard, deep inside Nathan's got.
With no time to make the obvious joke because a man's life is at stake, Ben reaches in with a medical instrument and removes the foreign object, it is revealed to be a moon rock sample. Both men are shocked, Ben is observing the moon rock sample and a paranoid Nathan smashes it to bits using a hammer. Ben theorizes perhaps the PSD5 machines are not for missile detection perhaps they emit a signal that attracts whatever creatures are up here.
Nathan says that there is a reason they were asked to set up so many cameras, the department of Defense is watching all this and he and Ban, or the guinea pigs for a mission exploring these creatures, that the Department of Defense already knew were here. The two decide to dismantle the PSD5 machine, however, when they reach the site they see that the
machine has already been destroyed and there are alien footprints all around it.

The two astronauts returned to the lander and while Nathan on dressed Ben noticed that his wound had been infected and the infection was spreading. Communication was restored only as much as they could hear mission control but not enough for them to send a message back to mission control saying they are working to get the two astronauts back home, but Nathan doesn't believe them.

He told Ben that the infection was getting worse and he could not risk taking this back to earth with him, Ben would have to leave him behind. Ben did not agree with this, next Nathan's infection started getting worse and he slowly started losing his mind. He films himself as he goes crazy and then creepily films Ben while he sleeps. One of the spider-like alien creatures moves inside the lander and Nathan goes insane with rage he smashes all the cameras in the lander saying he will not let the Department of Defense watch him die.

John desperately tries reaching Ben and Nathan because he will soon be out of communication range again and he will have to leave the two behind.

The oxygen supply in the lander runs out and they decide that their only hope is the oxygen and communication systems on the Russian lander. As he and Nathan make their way toward the Russian lander, Nathan keeps saying they are everywhere and tells Ben to leave him and go.

Ben doesn't listen very smart for an astronaut.
Suddenly Nathan jumps out of the rover and as been tries to stop him the rover tips over, slow-motion footage of the crash shows all the rocks and their vicinity turning into aliens. Next, Ben regains consciousness and finds that Nathan is gone.
After looking around for a while he spots Nathan near the crater where they found the cosmonaut's body. Nathan again tells Ben to leave him and Ben doesn't listen, Nathan gets pulled in by something in the dark and Ben follows him.

As he flashes his light, he sees all the rocks in the crater turning into alien creatures finally
common sense prevails and Ben decides to run and leave Nathan behind. Ben arrives at the Russian lander and turns on all the systems, communications connect him to the Russian agency and they patch him through to the secretary of defense.
The secretary says that they are aware of the situation on the moon and they have made the decision to not bring Ben back because he could be infected like Nathan. Ben argues that he is not but the secretary says that they cannot take the risk. Ben says that he has a family and the secretary just says that they will tell his family he died aaa hero.

Ben accepts his fate and resorts to spending his last few hours listening to a recording of his son's voice.
Just then John finally manages to make contact with him, John says that he doesn't care what the secretary says, he will bring been back home.

He guides Ben regarding the procedure to launch the lander just as Ben is about to launch, a highly sick and out of his mind Nathan returns and starts hammering at the window of the lander however before he can crack the window his helmet fills up with aliens creatures which rip him to shreds.
Ben launches off the ground, John receives a message from the secretary of defense ordering him to not rescue Ben, the secretary tells John that if he rescues Ben he will not be allowed to reenter Earth.
John chooses to ignore the message but, getting into orbit he realizes that the Russian land is full of moon rocks that are alien creatures.

The creatures attack and he loses control of the lander and it crashes straight into John's ship killing both astronauts. The footage ends official reports of the deaths of all three astronauts saying that they were killed during training exercises and their bodies weren't found a message at the end of the footage says that eight hundred and forty[840] pounds of moon rocks have been brought back by Apollo missions in total. Many of which were gifted to foreign dignitaries many of those gifts have been stolen and missing ever since.

Thanks for reading through, please try to drop some comments at the section below and tell us what is your take about this movie recap.

The screenshot were taken directly from the video and edited via Snapseed App.

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