Astronaut Crashed On Unknown Planet But It is Inhabited By People From 1900 AD


Hello, our fellow Lions, we welcome to the 4th edition of the #movierecaponleo, it's a lovely Monday morning and how was your weekend? I hope you have been enjoying our previous movie #recap, if you do please don't forget to drop a comment in the section below.

In today's movie recap, we will be talking about the "Astronaut Crashed On Unknown Planet But It is Inhabited By People From 1900 AD". I know that it sounds strange to hear but let's check what really happened.

if you understand English, you are free to listen to the video and for better understanding, we decided to put it to writing so that it can be translated.

This young astronaut has crash-landed on an unknown planet, however, he is about to learn that it is not too different from how Earth used to be at one point in time. The year is 2157 and the earth has become the heaven that humans always aspired to turn into, war, famine, and diseases are a thing of the past, nature has revived and is thriving.

Now humanity has turned its sights toward the rest of the universe, young students with exceptional strength courage, strong belief, and goodness are tasked with exploring unknown planets and looking for extraterrestrial life.

A young man named Maksim is on such a voyage when his spacecraft is damaged by an asteroid and he is forced to make an emergency landing on an unknown planet, as he lands on the planet and steps out of his spacecraft the vessel explodes leaving him with no way to communicate with Earth and no way to return home.

He decides to start exploring the planet, the planet seems to resemble Earth in many ways so he hopes to find life here that may help him. However, he encounters an indigenous being on the planet who appears to be hostile, to understand this planet's language Maksim inserts a translation device into his ear. The indigenous man named Zef hands Maksim over to the authorities of the planet who interrogate him by placing a helmet on him which projects his thoughts onto a screen.

Meanwhile, a corporal named Guy-Gall is assigned the mission of transferring Maksim to the capital city. Next, Maksim senses a strange signal or radiation in the air while all the soldiers around start enthusiastically chanting an anthem.

On the way to the capital, Mak notices a strange tower and Guy explains that it serves as a protective measure against enemies. Just then the base of the tower is destroyed in an explosion and it stumbles onto the road, Guy gets trapped under the rubble but Maksim pulls him out in time to save his life. It is revealed that this attack has been carried out by the rebels, the number one enemies of the state. Guy and Maksim continue their journey on foot and finally reach the capital.

In the meantime, the head of the department of special research named Strannik, calls his subordinate Fank and tells him to bring Maksim over to him. Strannik is a powerful figure in the government so what he asks has to be delivered. While Fank delivers Maksim to Strannik, another powerful figure in the government the prosecutor asks his assistant to gather all the information he can about this situation.

Next, to the towers in the city just like the one that Maksim saw earlier activate the prosecutor prepares for it by climbing and his tub and clamping a special stick in his mouth. Fank who was driving Maxime at the time has a seizure and amidst the chaos, Maksim escapes. He observes life in the alien city, meanwhile, a meeting is called with a group called the Unknown Father Strannick is among them.

Next, Maksim enters a local cafe and defends a waitress against a rude customer, the girl is grateful to him her name is Rada-Gall and she is revealed to be Guy's sister.

As Maksim walks home he gets into an altercation with a street gang, but he makes short work of them. Rada is impressed and invites him into our home where Guy arrived, Maksim begins investigating the workings of this world and quickly deduces that Rada and Guy like everyone else in this city are in the grip of strong propaganda and false information disseminated by the government. For example, Rada strongly believes that this planet is hollow and there is no such thing as space, she believes that they are living on the inner surface of a sphere and that the light in the sky comes from within the planet, she doesn't even know that there is a universe full of stars out there.

Next, Guy explains to Maksim how the unknown fathers are the saviors of this country named Sarash. They built the defense towers which have prevented wars and saved this state from its enemies, no one knows the fathers of the unknown fathers because they aren't considered rulers but rather, public servants.

Next Guy recommends Maksim for a position in the army and Maxi shows great skill during training which impresses and surprises Guy. Guy and Maksim spend a lot of time discussing politics and Guy reveals to Maksim that neighboring countries despise Sarash because there was a time when all the countries were a single state united by one history.

Meanwhile, Maksim and Rada also spend a lot of time together and grow romantic feelings for one another. Maksim is tasked with capturing rebels for the government who are identified by their frequent seizures, one of the rebels is about to shoot the captain of the force and Maxime saves him.

Next, Maksim observes the interrogations of the rebels and realizes that they aren't terrorists or degenerates the government has labeled them but rather regular people with their own beliefs and ideals. The interrogations are cruel and Maksim cannot handle it. He does not agree that these rebels simply hate the government because someone is paying them for it. Fank informs Strannik that he has found Maksim and in the meanwhile the captain of the force orders Maksim to execute the rebels, Maxime disobeys the order to let the rebels go free he tries to tell the captain about the true justice that exists on earth but the captain doesn't care he shoots Maksim and leaves him to die. The unknown fathers hold a meeting where the prosecutor advocates for starting a war against a neighboring state, the chief father says they need a pretext for the war for example an attack on one of the towers.

The rebels find Maksim alive and well and a doctor among them is shocked and says that Maksim shouldn't be alive. Maksim discusses with the rebels that the unknown fathers aren't saviors, but just conspirators who crave power and put down anyone who opposes them, he reveals he has figured out that the towers are emitters of a special radiation that hypnotizes the common people and makes them more susceptible to propaganda. A small minority of people aren't hypnotized but suffer terrible seizures instead and they are labeled as rebels and generated and eliminated because they won't succumb to the mind control.

The rebels recognize Maksim as one of their own and decide to take him along on a mission to sabotage one of generate however unbeknownst to them this mission has secretly been organized by the prosecutor to be a pretext for the war, and the mission succeeds but Maksim is the only one who survives. Afterward he rushes to Raha's home and tells Guy and Rada everything he has deduced. Guy does not believe him and simply tells him to return to wherever he came from. Just then the military arrives and arrests Maksim, Rada, and Guy. In prison Maksim meets Zef, the man who arrested him earlier, he is also a rebel.

Strannik meets the prosecutor and demands that he hand over Maksim in return the prosecutor, asks that Strannik pause the building of more powerful radiation towers because the towers make him have seizure too and he doesn't want the general public to know this. Maksim along with other prisoners is sent to fight and disable war robots left over from old boars all along the southern border of the country. Meanwhile, the prosecutor finds out that the radiation does not affect Maksim at all, he backs out of his agreement with Strannik and asks that Maksim be brought to him. Maksim suggests to Zef and the other rebels that instead of trying to take out the towers one by one, they need to attack the central tower where the main signal originates. Zef says that there are mutants in the south who are impervious to the radiation like Maksim and they may be able to help him.

Maksim disables the self-driving tank and uses it to head south, by the border Maksim is stopped by the army and Guy is among them, maximize kidnaps him and drives the tank through the barricade, he tells the Guy all about the towers again and Guy does not believe it until they are out of the range of the towers and Guy realizes what it's like to not feel the radiation. Guy gets angry when he realizes that he has been a puppet of the government for so long but Maksim reminds him that there are people still stuck in the hypnosis and he has begun this rebellion to save them.

Guy and Maksim encounter the mutants and they behave very nicely with the duo, they arrive in the city of the mutants and note the pitiable conditions and the radiation from the bombings of past wars has turned these people and this place into rejects. Maksim speaks to the leaders of the mutants and suggests an uprising against the unknown father's refusal because they simply aren't physically strong enough for something like that, they suggest that Maksim seek help from the island empire.

To reach them the mutants offer Maksim an old bomber plane during the plane ride the two are exposed to radiation from a tower and Guy suddenly becomes fanatically devoted to Maksim, he reaches to hug Maksim and Maksim loses control of the plane, crashes into the tower disabling it and breaking Guy out of his brands. Automatic anti-aircraft guns left over from previous wars shoot down the plane into the water but Maksim and Guy manage to swim ashore.

Next, they notice a giant old sea vessel and Maksim decides to investigate it. Meanwhile the prosecutor captures Rada in an attempt to use her to find Maksim but she refuses to help and he throws her in prison. On the sea vessel Guy and Maksim discover that the island empire is just as fascist and brutal as Sarash and it executed Guy's fellow countrymen by the thousands hence seeking their help is not an option.

Max and Guy swim back to shore and are captured by the border patrol, as the prosecutor in brutal asar has broken out with another country and now the two prisoners will be sent to the front lines to get to Maksim, Strannik hears Rada escape from prison, he talks to think about how this war as interrupting his plans and orders him to bring Maksim at any cost, he admits that he fears Maksim as Maksim and Guy is being sent to the front lines. Fank arrives to collect Maksim but the captain of the force refuses to hand him over as the men are climbing in the tanks, Fank finally manages to catch up to Maxime but Maxime refuses to abandon his friends, he knocks Fank out and takes him into a tank alongside Guy.

As the war begins Maksim steers his tank in the opposite direction and Guy blindly follows his orders influenced by the radiation. As the captain tries to execute Maksim for deserting the force, Guy offers his body as a human shield to protect Maksim, Maksim kills the captain but it is too late, and Guy has succumbed to his injuries. Fank regains consciousness and tells Maksim about Rada which convinces Maksim to cooperate with Strannik. After the battle ends Fank tells Maksim about Strannik's proposition and he will have a place to live, a car, and complete freedom but he will only get to see Rada after he proves his loyalty to the state. As Maksim works in the Strannik's department, the prosecutor secretly meets up with him and suggests that he, overthrow the unknown father.

He says that Maxim can do this by reaching the central tower of the coordinates which helps provide, he suggests that Maksim use the central tower to emit radiation which will cause depression to all including the army, once the army is subdued, he can take out the unknown father's and rule the state himself with the prosecutors serving as his advisor. Maksim takes Zeff and a couple of other rebels and embarks on the mission, he gains access to the central tower after defeating a couple of guards in his way and activates the depression radiation subduing the entire population Strannik who appears immune to the radiation like Maksim seem rushes to catch him, Maksim changes the prosecutor's plan and instead plants a bomb at the central tower as he leaves the building Strannik chases him and behind them, a massive explosion destroys the tower breaking the people free from mind control for the first time in decades.

Maksim arrives at the place where Rada is being kept in a cryogenic chamber but as he is about to leave with her, his path was blocked by Stronach reveals that he is a member of the galactic security from Earth who came to this planet two decades ago to assist it. He berates Maksim and his foolishness which has caused chaos to erupt on the streets destroying everything that he had built over twenty years, he says that Maksim did not take into account famine, inflation and war which was going to erupt because Sarash was already taking up arms against neighboring states.

he beats Maksim up, Maksim fights back and accuses Strannik of building the towers and enslaving these people stranded reminds Maksim that all civilizations that reach peace and prosperity have to first go through wars and slavery and this one is no exception. Maksim punches Strannik into a truck and says that this is his home now. He will fight inflation poverty, famine and all evils for them but he will not allow any more towers to be built, he will not allow slavery as long as he lives.

Rada comes out and hugs her lover Strannick smiles ever so slightly as he sees this spectacle.

Thanks for reading and watching this recap as the case may be, we sincerely appreciate your time and pray to serve you better.

See you in our next #movierecaponleo that is coming up in two days.

  • The screenshot were taken directly from the video and edited via Snapseed App.

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Hello sir @khaleelkazi, here is the movie recap on threads of yesterday, here is the full write-up. I hope you would like it. 😊😊😊
