Airplane Takes Off in 1984, But Lands In 2019 With 92 Sekeletons

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In todays movie recap, we are going to talk about the "Airplane Takes Off in 1984, But Lands In 2019 With 92 Sekeletons", if you understand English, you are free to listen to the video and for better understanding, we decided to put it to writing so that it can be translated.

This airplane has just crash landed in 2019 but investigation reveals that it took off more than 35 years ago.
In 1994 a flight named J15 took off from Kolkata India, but a little while into its journey, the airplane started experiencing terrible turbulence and a complete communications blackout. The flight goes missing without a single, clue or indication about where it might have gone
fast forward to. 2019 an airplane flies low in West Bengal over a village, the children there are shocked to see such a spectacle, they follow the plane and find out that it has crashed in the middle of the hills. In modern-day Kolkata, a man named Shantanu was watching the news and it was revealed that an airplane named AO.26 had gone missing because there were so many high-profile government officials on the flight,
he suspected that it had been hijacked.
Shantanu arrives at the Central Bureau of Investigation or Club where he works as a senior official and is assigned to the case of an AO.26. Shantallow and his partner Gaurango arrive at the sight of the plane crash in West Bengal and they are debriefed by a soldier, there the soldier reveals that everyone on the flight has died except for the pilot and one passenger both of whom are receiving medical care at the moment.
The strange thing is that the passenger was found in the cockpit along with the pilot which suggests that the airplane was hijacked however before the three men depart for the crash site the soldier tells them that this flight is not AO.26.

The flight that they are looking for, is J15 the flight that went missing over 35 years ago.
Flashback to 1984 a young and aspiring pilot named Bihu is getting ready for her flight, she is going to be piloting J15. During breakfast with her mother, Bihu appears very upset about something and it seems she's been this way for a while now. Her mother advises her to forget the past and move on but Bihu ignores the comment and leaves in the present. The same Bihu has been found and rescued from the remains of the airplane and is receiving medical care.
Shantanu and his partner arrive at a nearby remote village to speak to a physics professor, Professor Subroto-Das.
They tell Das that on the crashed flight they found his J15, supposedly the flight that went missing in 1984, they say that their records reveal only one seat on the flight was not boarded and that the ticket for that seat was under Das's name. They ask him why he didn't board the flight and he reveals that it was such a long time ago that he no longer
However, later when Das comes home, he hurriedly burns a bunch of documents and photos revealing that he is hiding something. Next, a news report reveals that a terrorist organization named the A.B.A. has claimed responsibility for hijacking flight AO.26. The A.B.A. is demanding the release of its leader Partho-majumda who is scheduled to be executed in a few days. Shantanu arrives to meet Bihu, who has regained consciousness. Shantanu questions her about how flight J.15 crashed. Bihu reveals that during the flight a passenger barged into the cockpit and stabbed her co-pilot to death and demanded that she steer the plane toward a particular set of coordinates. As she did, they encountered horrible weather turbulence and a communications blackout, and the next thing she knew they had crashed.

Shantanu asks her the date and location of the flight take off and she replies Kolkata 1984.
Shantanu doesn't believe her, he thinks that for some reason all the details of Flight J.15 are being fabricated, the same as 35 years ago. He just doesn't know why he tells me that it is currently 2019 and she is shocked by this revelation.
To find out more about Bihu, Shantanu, and Gaurango arrive in the neighborhood where Bi's family used to live. They speak to one of her old neighbors who reveals that Bihu was an aspiring pilot with a bright future, but her life took a downward spiral when she got into a relationship with an army officer who died mysteriously after getting her pregnant out of
wedlock, which was a great embarrassment for Bihu's parents.
Things took a turn for the worst when Bihu's son was born dead, the neighbor showed Shantanu a picture of Bihu, taken a little while before she disappeared from J.15 1981, and the Bihu in the picture looked the same as the Bihu on the hospital.

Shantanu is confused but he still holds onto the theory that the details of Flight J.15 are being recreated for some reason. Shantanu and Gaurango listen to the recording in the black box of J.15 and it reveals the same story told.

Shantanu asks what's the last recorded data on the black box and it is revealed to be August 23rd, 1984. Shantanu is confused next to the second survivor from J.15 Mitra wakes up in the hospital and when he learns that the year is 2019, he becomes deliriously happy he learns from the nurse that the pilot of the flight also survived and his face becomes grave.
He sneaks into Be's room and tries to kill her by suffocating her but thankfully a nurse arrives in time to stop him.
Shantanu arrives at the hospital and finds that Mitra has taken the nurse hostage, he uses the nurse to escape.
Next Shantanu ran a background check on Mitra and it revealed that in 1984, Mitra was a physics genius who worked at the Kolkata Science Research Center. He was also involved with terrorist organizations like the A.B.A. Shantanu managed to get hold of a metra's old address and he arrives there and goes
through his old research papers.
Among mitra's old files, Shantanu finds a paper titled Project A and among those files he finds a blueprint of Flight J.15 realizing that this is all somehow connected. Shantanu goes to the Kolkata Science Research Center to find out more. He meets a professor named Ashwin and when Ashwin here's the word project A, he launches into a story. Ashwin says that in 250 b.c, the Indian emperor Ashok realized that the knowledge of science and philosophy was frequently used for the destruction of humanity, so he gathered all the greatest scientists philosophers, and scholars from around the country and compiled all of their knowledge in nine different books and buried those books to keep them from going into the wrong hands.

The books included great ancient knowledge of subjects such as the psychological manipulation of the masses the ability to kill human beings with a single touch during, combat the ability to fly, the ability to communicate with extraterrestrial beings and the ability to travel through time. Thousands of years later some pages of the time travel @thetimetravelerz book was found and a group of researchers was put together to try and prove the theory the project was named Project A. However Project A never managed to produce anything viable. Shantanu then asks about Mitra and Ashwin, reveals that during his time at the Kolkata science research center Mitra was
very reclusive, so nobody knows much about him however he ask that Shantanu should speak to professor Das, as he and Mitra were very close Shantanu arrives at Das's place and says that Dos lied to him regarding knowing nothing about Flight J15, He places the project a file in front of Das.
Das has no choice but to tell him the truth.
He reveals that Mitra father was part of the project a bit when the project could not produce any results for years, the government stopped funding it. Mitra continued his father's work in secret and after working on it for many years he finally managed to crack the code to time travel. Shantanu does not believe any of this but does
says that Mitra finished the incomplete formulas on the pages of the time travel book that were found and discovered, that there were wormholes present in the earth's atmosphere
Dos was mitra student and assistant at the time, so he knew all about Mitra's plans. He planned to hijack an airplane and fly it into one of the wormholes, for hijacking plane. Mitra took the help of a young Pato-Majumdar, and revealed that he was supposed to be on the plane as well he had a feeling that something was going to go
wrong and that is why he didn't board, he was later proven right because according to Mitra's calculation the plane was only supposed to go 35 hours into the future but instead, it went years.

Shantanu still isn't convinced about any of this and Das understands because it does sound far fetched however he insists that he can prove it to Shantanu, he says that in a few hours majumdar will be released and if he and I reunite they will use Mitra's knowledge to cause serious trouble however they can stop this entire situation from ever happening if they hop in the same wormhole go back in time and prevent Mitra from ever hijacking J15. Shantanu hesitant but agrees to the plan next Shantanu and Dos arrive to meet Bihu who is still having trouble grasping the idea that she is in 2019.

Das asks Serve for the coordinates of the wormhole but she says she won't tell them she will fly them herself. The next morning go arranges a plane and be who Shantanu and Das take off.

They arrive at the location of the wormhole and once again encounter terrible weather and turbulence Bihu is forced to make a rash landing into a vast deserted field.
Bihu thinks they've just crash landed and the me travel theory is bogus but then the three get a lift from a vintage-looking car and on the radio they hear an address from India's prime minister of nineteen eighty-four they realize they are back in the eighties and Shantanu new finally believes does he agrees to go ahead with their plan of so.

Mitra but first he wants to run a personal errand Shantanu arrives at an orphanage and it is revealed that he is an orphan and this is the exact date and year that he was left on the doorstep of the orphanage, this is why he wasn't entirely against attempting to return to 1984. He sees a car arriving to drop off his baby self, he verifies the baby is him by checking a locket around the baby's neck which he still has today. He cries and tries to chase the car to find out his parent's identity but the car leaves quickly. The next morning Das who is metered confident in nineteen eighty-four says that meter and part though will be meeting in a warehouse today and they can stop the two over there. They realize they don't have a car to travel to the warehouse and Bihu says that she can steal her car from her home in 1984, she knows where the keys will be and how to sneak in. As they arrive to steal be whose car Shantanu notices that it is the same car that drops his baby self at the orphanage, the three arrive at the warehouse and wait for the part though and I try to arrive in the meantime Shantanu asks to Bihu if she ever saw her son who was born dead with her own eyes.

Bewho says no, she passed out after giving birth and when she woke up her parents told her that the baby was born dead.

Next Mitra and Patiomanchunda arrive and Das and Shantanu confront them and their henchmen with a gun. Patio's henchmen start shooting at the Das and a shootout takes place Shantallow with his superior C.B.I training manages to take out all the henchmen one by one finally he kills Patio as well but maitre arrives
holding a gun toward him however before meeting Reckon shoot das shoots him from behind.
Shantanu decides to burn the project a papers saying that this is too much power for anyone to have, but Das points a gun at him and tells him to stop. Das reveals that getting hold of the papers and the time travel formula was his plan all along, that's why he convinced Shantallow to travel back to 1984 because the original formula paper as burned in the J.15 plane crash, he wants to get a hold of the formula and become the most powerful man in the world, he reveals that when Mitra escaped from the hospital and 2019, he came to Dos but killed him because he wanted to become the only man to hold this power.
A shootout takes place between Das and Shantallow, Das is severely injured Shantanu burns the papers putting an end to Project once and for Next Bihu, Das and Shantanu Newt hears a piercing sound in their heads it is revealed that since J.15 was never hijacked these three never trap, well to the past and hence they are anomalies in this timeline and the timeline is a racing them. The three are teleported back to the present Shantanu awakens in the present on flight AO.26 which never got hijacked because Patio died in the past and the A.B.A never grew. Shantallow and Garango run into each other on the flight but don't recognize each other. it seems in this changed future Shantanu never joined the C.B.I, next Shantanu celebrates his birthday at the same orphanage and he hugs old Bihu who is revealed to be his mother reveals that Shantanu was dropped at the orphanage by Bihu's parents because they fear where'd that society would reject Bihu for having a child out of wedlock. However because Bihu won't disappears along with J.15 in this timeline, she returns home and her parents get a chance to rethink their decision they tell Bihu truth about Shantanu and she came and picked him up from the orphanage, they have lived their lives together being happy and every year Shantanu distributes gifts at the orphanage on his birthday,
Shantanu wonders out loud what his life would have been like if whoever had come to retrieve him from this orphanage and who replies what's the point and wondering about something that never happened In the end.

Thanks for watching and reading this movie #recap, I decided to put it to writing so that you can translate it to any language of your language.

See you in the next section of my #movierecaponleo

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That's very much, am gonna try to improve more better than ever 😺😜😺.


Looking forward to you reaching your new target 😅


This story is original
Thank you for sharing
I will patiently wait for your next movie resume
