Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! Shades of Gray!


RULESET: Shades of Gray


Only Neutral Units may be used in battles.

General Strategy for Shades of Gray ruleset:

The one having a greater neutral cards collection will have the advantage, definitely you need to have a good tank according to the mana cost some examples are Legionnaire Avatar, Gargoya Lion, Arkemist the Bear, also having good neutral range and magic attackers, like Magic of Chaos or Supply Runner, all this cards are almost a must have as you will use them in most battles not only on this ruleset, as neutral cards you have higher your advantage will be as others ruleset will limit your cards even more and will be easier to fill the mana cap with the best options as much cards you have.

My Battle:

Battle Link: Click here to see the full Battle.

Others Rulesets and battle Conditions:

Melee Mayhem: Melee attack monsters can attack from any position.

Back to basics: monsters lose all abilities.

Mana Cap: 30

Splinters Allowed: Fire, Dragon, Water, Earth.

About this Battle:

As there is the Melee Mayhem ruleset I decided to use mostly melee units with a summoner that boost my melee units attack, my opponent used mostly magic units with a summoner that boost his magic units, I put a magic units just in case the enemy used something with lots of armor and low hp like Dumacke Orc, I also use him and put in last place, I was expecting to kill his magic units before it reach to him, I was expecting a mostly melee team from the opponent as well but he come with magic, I should have the advantage as melee units are generally stronger, however I pick lot of melee units with very high armor and my opponent magic units may kill my units before they use they armor.

My Team:


My Opponent Team:

Round 2

Round 3 and Final

Splinterlands is an Auto-battler game where all card are NFT, you can own them and sell them when ever you want or rent them, you will earn SPS each time you win a battle and you can change it for USD if you want, it is a fun game with a playtoearn aspect that greatly increases the fun.
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