Most Representative Movie “My Two Lives" / ¿Quíén Soy? Pelicula Más Representativa "Mi Doble Vida" (ENG/ESP)
Yo hablaré sobre una pelicula que a pesar de ser reciente; tiene un significado profundo para mi.
¿Cuantas veces te has preguntado, como seria tu vida si hubieses tomado tal o cual decisión?
¿Si hubieses estudiado otra carrera?
¿Si no hubieses terminado esa relación?
¿Si no te hubieses ido del pais?
¿Si hubieses tenido hijos joven?
Son preguntas que en ocasiones me carcomen antes de dormir; como hubiese sido mi futuro si mis decisiones pasadas hubieran sido otras.
Si hubiese dedicado mi vida de lleno a la musica en lugar de la arquitectura.
Si me hubiese emigrado hace un par de años y asi...
Esta pelicula aborda perfectamente ese dilema; pero desde el punto de vista del embarazo y la maternidad
Natalie, como muchas personas, tiene su vida planificada; quiere ser animadora de peliculas; Gabe está en una banda y quiere dedicar su vida a la música.
Natalie tiene un breve encuentro intimo con su amigo Gabe y en su noche de graduación; decide hacerse una prueba de embarazado.
Alli; la pelicula se divide en dos perspectivas.
Natalie embarazada, esperando un bebé de su mejor amigo y Natalie; sin embarazarse, con un futuro prometedor por delante.
Desde alli se desfasan por completo ambos enfoques.
Vemos como la Natalie embarazada se ve ante la complicada situación de cambiar totalmente los planes que tenia para su futuro, empezando por no viajar a los Angeles a dedicarse de lleno a su carrera, asi como tambien contarle a sus padres y enfrentar todo el embarazo en compañia de Gabe; quien se responsabiliza y acompaña a Natalie en todo momento.
Por otro lado; vemos como la Natalie no embarazada, se despide de Gabe con cariño y se muda a Los Angeles; ciudad llena de oportunidades, en la cual, su meta es tener un empleo como ilustradora; por lo cual acude a una fiesta en la cual estara Lucy, una de las grandes ilustradoras de su industria.
Alli conoce a Jake; pero al enterarse que la ilustradora no ira a la fiesta, se despide de el y se va a casa a seguir enviando Curriculums; al día siguiente, es contactada por Lucy y para su sorpresa, ve a Jake; quien confiesa que le ayudó a que tuviese la entrevista ese día. En la cual, le va bien y obtiene el empleo. (Si, aparentemente, esta versiona de la vida de Nat es más exitosa)
Asi va la pelicula; mostrandonos aciertos y desaciertos por los cuales pasan las ambas Natalie's.
La pelicula a pesar de no ser bien recibida por la critica; tiene un mensaje profundo y claro.
La vida no siempre es como la planeamos; hay subidas, bajadas, momentos alegres, momentos tristes y momentos.
A pesar de ello; lo importante es vivir el presente y dejar que todo poco a poco vaya llegando a su cause.
Me recuerda un poco la premisa de "Everything Everywhere All at Once" en la cual, Evelyn; se encuentra frustrada por la dirección que ha tomado su vida y a medida que avanza la pelicula; tiene la oportunidad de visitar varias lineas temporales en las cuales su vida es aparentemente exitosa; pero que a pesar del exito, se seguia sintiendo incompleta, pensando, precisamente en como hubiese sido su vida si hubiese tomado otras decisiones.
Muchas veces, nos engañamos a nosotros mismos al asegurar que nuestra vida hubiese sido mejor si hubiesemos crecido en otro lugar, hubiesemos tenido dinero, hubiesemos tomado otra carrera o hubiesemos tomado otra decision de vida diferente a la actual.
Asi como les ha pasado a las protagonistas; me ha pasado a mi y siempre, trato ser agradecida con mi vida actual pero en ocasiones; fantaseo con mi futuro si mis decisiones hubiesen sido diferentes, pero entiendo que mi vida es tal cual tenia que ser y que las situaciones por las cuales he pasado son las que me han hecho la mujer que soy yo.
**Si has llegado hasta aqui, te lo agradezco.
Te invito a participar en la dinámica.**
I will talk about a movie that in spite of being recent; it has a deep meaning for me.
How many times have you asked yourself, how would your life be if you had taken this or that decision?
If you had studied another career?
If you had not ended that relationship?
If you had not left the country?
If you had had children young?
These are questions that sometimes gnaw at me before I go to sleep; what would my future have been like if my past decisions had been different.
If I had dedicated my life to music instead of architecture.
If I had emigrated a couple of years ago and so on....
This film deals perfectly with that dilemma, but from the point of view of pregnancy and motherhood.
Natalie, like many people, has her life planned out; she wants to be a movie entertainer; Gabe is in a band and wants to devote his life to music.
Natalie has a brief intimate encounter with her friend Gabe and on her prom night; she decides to take a pregnancy test.
There; the movie splits into two perspectives.
Natalie pregnant, expecting her best friend's baby and Natalie; not pregnant, with a promising future ahead of her.
From there, the two approaches are completely out of sync.
We see how the pregnant Natalie is faced with the complicated situation of completely changing the plans she had for her future, starting by not traveling to Los Angeles to devote herself fully to her career, as well as telling her parents and facing the whole pregnancy in the company of Gabe, who takes responsibility and accompanies Natalie at all times.
On the other hand, we see how the non-pregnant Natalie says goodbye to Gabe with love and moves to Los Angeles; a city full of opportunities, in which her goal is to have a job as an illustrator; so she goes to a party in which Lucy, one of the great illustrators of her industry, will be present.
There she meets Jake; but when she finds out that the illustrator will not go to the party, she says goodbye to him and goes home to continue sending resumes; the next day, she is contacted by Lucy and to her surprise, she sees Jake; who confesses that he helped her to have the interview that day. (Yes, apparently, this version of Nat's life is more successful).
So goes the movie; showing us the ups and downs that both Natalie's go through.
The movie, despite not being well received by critics, has a deep and clear message.
Life is not always as we plan it; there are ups, downs, happy moments, sad moments and moments.
In spite of that; the important thing is to live in the present and let everything slowly come to pass.
It reminds me a bit of the premise of “Everything Everywhere All at Once” in which Evelyn is frustrated by the direction her life has taken and as the movie progresses, she has the opportunity to visit several timelines in which her life is apparently successful, but despite the success, she still feels incomplete, thinking precisely about what her life would have been like if she had made other decisions.
Many times, we deceive ourselves by assuring that our life would have been better if we had grown up somewhere else, had money, had taken another career or had made a different life decision than the current one.
Just as it has happened to the protagonists; it has happened to me and always, I try to be grateful with my current life but sometimes; I fantasize about my future if my decisions would have been different, but I understand that my life is as it was meant to be and that the situations I have gone through are the ones that have made me the woman I am.
**If you have made it this far, I thank you.
I invite you to participate in the dynamic.
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