Nothing is small until you compare

Contentment brings Happiness and peace of mind and this is what a lot of people lack.


Many people are not satisfied with their position not because they are not living comfortably but because they compare themselves with Mr X who is doing better than them.

If you are earning 200k in a month and it can sort your bills and even possible to save some money, you will be happy until you hear that Mr. X earns 1 million, you wonder why he is earning so much and start over thinking about how to be equal with Mr.X but when no solution is coming forth, you start feeling depressed and no longer appreciate the 200k you are earning.

You forget the fact that some people are earning way less than you, people are earning 20k and hoping someday God can elevate them to a position where they can start earning 50k and there you are being ungrateful.

Stop comparing yourself with others, instead focus on the grind and keep doing your best to make sure your present is always better than your past.

Our wants as humans are insatiable, we can never quench our thirst for more properties/assets and money but we should not let it become extreme that it starts affecting us negatively. Leave Mr.X, focus on your grind, and Trust the process.


The Alpha Card

Another advice for today is to Never depend on one source of income,

A young man was working for a company and was earning #1m monthly which was way more than enough to take care of himself, he could afford some of the latest things like phones and clothes, and he rented a posh apartment and also had a girlfriend who they rock the town together... He was a hardworking man that doesn't joke with his work, a work that pays well also deserves his 100 percent.

Life was good to him until the COVID-19 crisis, he was among those laid off from work, and the news hit him like a rock on his forehead.

The beautiful world he knew started to crumble within 3 months, he exhausted his savings, his girlfriend suddenly needed a space and he could no longer afford the lifestyle he was used to.

What was his mistake?

  • He underestimated life and didn't expect to lose his job suddenly.
  • When life was good to him, he didn't invest

Many people are on this table, they are earning good right now and not thinking about the possibility of losing that source of income.

Never get so comfortable when you only have one source of income because life can happen anytime, try to diversify and have more sources of income so when something happens, you will have something else to rely on.

Lastly, Have an Alpha card!

If things go terribly wrong for you right now, like you lose your source of income and have no other means to earn, what card will you play to survive and stay afloat?

Don't think too much, you do not have it cos if you do, your mind will go there immediately I explained the meaning of the Alpha Card... Work on getting your Alpha card, your alpha card is not something you share with others, and your Alpha card is not something you post online, it is something that only you should know, and when people think it is over for you, you play that card and show them you serve a living God!.

Just call me Burl.
I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast
Discord: burlarj
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen
Only Love can heal a broken Heart


I am loving your today's topics 😍
You explained all the things to the point.

We always like to compare ourselves with others and start thinking of ourselves as insignificant and insignificant when we see others' good earnings. This should not be done at all, there is no point in hurting someone's qualifications and income. I deserve what I achieve.

Never depend on one source of income.

I also believe it, I have seen proof of this in many areas of my life. I always give my best in both my online and offline spaces, because I know how important both incomes are to me and my family.


Beautiful!, as we hustle online, we can as well spread our wings offline too, if things go wrong anywhere we will always have the other one to fall back to


We should learn to appreciate the very little things of life, stay contented with what we have and look out for more opportunities to leverage on


the only person we should compete with is ourselves, our past and present.


Current situations have teaches human to attached to more than one work.


Each of us are different and comparing ourselves with others means humiliating ourselves. I don't love to compare me with others because I know that there is nothing to compare as situation are different for everyone.


Love this... everyone is indeed in a different situations


The point was too good sir stop comparing yourself with others and I think it takes you in a negative impact and the end just be yourself and try to do better.


Yea my man.... the only comparison we should do is with ourselves


So he was not even saving from the 1m he was earning monthly? That’s crazy
That’s why I want to look for other means of income
One means of income is never enough


He was saving just not enough and savings alone can't get us going, we need another source of income flow.
