Be kind: The little things we do for others can mean a lot to them


People wonder why people they did a lot for do not appreciate them but those they did little for are the ones that cherish and appreciate their help, when you give someone what they don't really need, they might not appreciate it but when you help someone really in need, they will cherish you.



The little things we do for others can go a long way, it may be what they need at that very moment and you coming through for them will make them appreciate your kind gesture for a long time.

This reminds me of a story, a true life experience, an unforgettable story of a woman who saved me.

It happened in the year 2009, I was still in secondary school, and it was a long distance from my house to school, so students boarded a commercial car that cost 50 naira.

On this fateful day, I stayed behind to play football with my friends in school, and by the time we finished and set to go home, the school was already empty, other students who lived in my area had all gone home, and I had almost gotten to the park when I dipped my hand in my pocket to buy pure water but there was no money in my pocket, fear gripped me because my transport fare was also part of the lost money.


It was already 6 p.m. so it would soon get dark, I walked into the park where I would board a car home, there was no money with me and one thought ran through my mind, which was to beg passenger in a bus for money but even though my mind wanted to, my body was not moving, I was not used to begging people for money so I find it very hard to start it that day, after staring at the passengers for like 10 minutes and I could not do anything, I left there to stay at the place where the car that goes to my town is.

I stood there looking at the gate, praying and hoping someone I knew would pass and help me, I stood there for like 30 minutes but not a familiar figure showed up, I was already getting scared because the sky had changed and it was already getting dark, I just kept staring at the gate and then this woman passed through the gate.

She lived in my estate and was also a friend of my mummy, I had a glimmer of hope and I greeted her hoping and praying hard she would call me to enter the motor with her or else I was just going to watch her enter and also leave me like the others who had come and left since I got there.


My prayer was answered when she asked me to enter the motor without questioning me, Damn I was so happy and that was how I Was saved by this good woman, by the time we got to our bus stop, my mum was already there waiting for me and she was already planning to enter motor to come and look for me in school, which means if the woman had not saved the day, my mum would have come for me though I would have spent more time there in the garage.

That act of generosity and kindness made me respect and love the woman and to date, whenever I remember the incident, I pray for her and I hope I can return the favor someday if possible.

Good people still exist

One message I would love to pass on is that we should not wait for people to ask for our help before we help them especially when we think they need help because there are some people who even when they are dying still find it difficult to open up and ask for help, but these set of people never forget those who help them in bad situations.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker, and crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen


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Truly, kindness cost $0. Thank God for that woman who saved your day and she also saved your mother the stress of looking for you. If we all practice the act of kindness, the world will be a better place for us.


honestly, it is one event I can never forget, and to her it was a little gesture, but it means so much to me


Being kind to people may even cost more than tangible gifts, thanks for sharing this.


Sometimes, when we want to do something, we may feel reluctant because we feel it is little but it may go a long way in the person's life. At the same time, we should appreciate little kindness.


exactly, I do feel this way before, I could remember few years ago, a man approached me for money to eat and I was reluctant to give him 500 because i felt it was small but when I gave it to him, the man was so happy so i guess it was small to me but not to him


In the same way, if we want to be successful in the world, we have to help others and those who are poor and cannot take care of themselves. If you talk to him in a nice way with a good attitude, he likes it a lot.
