Discovering coffee brands in Caracas: The magnificent essence of Fruto Santo coffee (Eng/Esp).

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Greetings Cinnamon Cup Coffee community! It's been a long time since I wrote a few lines in this space that I have grown very fond of and appreciated. My teaching activities have kept me away from the PC significantly, but once I left work I went for a walk through downtown Caracas in search of one of the many coffee brands that currently exist on the market. So make yourself comfortable because what you are about to read is a unique experience that I recommend for all coffee lovers. Let's get started!


As I mentioned before, my country is experiencing a second renaissance in terms of the coffee industry. Individual and collective initiatives are once again returning to the countryside to grow coffee with the tradition and legacy of centuries that resides in our lands. The purpose is to reposition Venezuelan coffee on the international scene. Proof of this is that the 3rd Coffee Fair was held in March of this year.


Hundreds of producers dedicated to the cultivation and processing of coffee have created different brands of coffee, each of which has its own characteristics, flavors and essences.


If there is one thing that has characterized the center of Caracas, it is the enormous number of coffee shops that you can find in the streets and corners of my entropic city that turned 457 years old on July 25! The nostalgia of centuries of history can be found in its streets and of course in its coffee shops. That is how, when I left work, I decided to find a coffee shop that had lost its location but that I was lucky enough to find again: Cafeteria Moisán!


This coffee shop is located in the San Bernardino Parish, the style recalls the Caracas of Antonio Guzmán Blanco in the 1870s, when he wanted to make Caracas the "Petit Paris" given the love and fascination he had for the City of Light. Well, this place has a very special affection for me, not only because of the historical heritage it has, but because a teaching colleague and friend who unfortunately is no longer in this physical plane took me to visit it.


Every coffee shop in Caracas has elements that make it unique and one of them is the coffee brand they normally use to serve coffee on the tables. They are different and belong to a particular coffee producer. In the case of Cafetería Moisan, the brand they use is: Fruto Santo.


This brand of coffee comes from the state of Mérida, at more than 1200 meters above sea level stands the La Macana mountain where this coffee is grown, which enjoys particular climatic qualities since it benefits from the climate of the Andean foothills to grow a bean with a unique flavor.


This coffee is as expensive as the Páramo brand, another coffee that is also from the state of Mérida. In fact, this was the reason why I decided to buy it since I consider that the best coffee in Venezuela is in the states of Trujillo and Mérida. So without further delay we opened the packaging to perceive its aroma.


The aroma of this brand is very penetrating, it reminds me of Paramo Café in its Azabache version which is the darkest, I have not reviewed it yet because I have not found it yet but I will soon. We placed it in our new Daewoo Coffee Maker and proceeded to strain it!



My impressions of the Fruto Santo coffee

In this space I have reviewed 2 important coffee brands: Páramo from the Andean mountain range and Amanecer from the central plains, the flavor of this coffee is certainly more similar to Páramo only that it has a particular sweetness of sugar cane with notes of cocoa, which give it its characteristic flavor.



And well friends as final impressions this coffee lives up to my expectations, it has a penetrating aroma, good flavor between bitter and that final sweet touch that I love, I put it on par with Café Paramo Caribe but below its Azabache and Catatumbo versions. And with this photo where I enjoy my coffee with muffins while ranking in Splinterlands I say goodbye, I'll see you in a next review that I'm still planning so I prefer to leave it as a surprise. Have a nice day and best regards!


Versión Español:

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Saludos comunidad de Cinnamon Cup Coffee community! Hacía mucho tiempo que no volvía a escribir algunas líneas en este espacio al que le he tomado un gran cariño y aprecio, mis actividades docentes me han alejado significativamente del Pc pero una vez salí de mi trabajo fui a dar un paseo por el centro de Caracas en busca de una de las tantas marcas de café que actualmente existen en el mercado, así que ponte cómodo porque lo que vas a leer es una experiencia única y que recomiendo hacer para todo amante del café. Comencemos!


Como he mencionado anteriormente, mi país esta viviendo un segundo renacimiento en cuanto al ramo cafetero. Iniciativas individuales y colectivas están nuevamente volviendo al campo para cultivar café con la tradición y el legado de siglos que reside en nuestras tierras el propósito es reposicionar el café venezolano en el panorama internacional y prueba de ello es que en marzo de este año se celebró la 3era Feria del Café.


Cientos de productores dedicados al cultivo y procesamiento del café han creado distintas marcas de café cada una de las cuales tiene características, sabores y esencias particulares en cada una de ellas.


Si algo ha caracterizado al Centro de Caracas es la enorme cantidad de Cafeterías que puedes encontrarte en las calles y esquinas de mi entrópica ciudad que el 25 de Julio cumplió 457 años! La nostalgia de siglos de historia lo podemos encontrar en sus calles y por supuesto cafeterías. Fue así como al salir de mi trabajo me propuse encontrar una cafetería que había perdido su ubicación pero que tuve la suerte de encontrar nuevamente: Cafetería Moisán!


Esta cafetería se encuentra en la Parroquia San Bernardino, el estilo rememora a la Caracas de Antonio Guzmán Blanco en los años de 1870, cuando quiso hacer de Caracas la "Petit Paris" dado el amor y fascinación que tenía por la Ciudad de la Luz. Bien, esta lugar un cariño muy especial para mi no solo por el acervo histórico que tiene, sino porque un Colega docente y amigo que lamentablemente ya no se encuentra en este plano físico me llevó a conocerlo.


Cada cafetería en Caracas tiene elementos que lo hacen único y uno de ellos es la marca de café que normalmente usan para servir el café en las mesas. Que son diferentes y pertenecen a una productora particular de café en el caso de la Cafetería Moisan la marca que usan es: Fruto Santo.


Esta marca de café proviene del estado Mérida, a más de 1200 mts de altura se erige la montaña La Macana donde este café es cultivado que goza de cualidades climáticas particulares ya que se beneficia del clima del pie de monte andino para cultivar así un grano con un sabor único.


Este café es tan costoso como lo es la marca Páramo otro café que también es del Estado Mérida, en realidad esta fue la razón por la que decidí comprarlo ya que considero que los mejores café en Venezuela están en el estado Trujillo y Mérida. Así que sin más demora abrimos el empaque para percibir su aroma.


El aroma de esta marca es muy penetrante, me recuerda al Paramo Café en su versión Azabache que es el más oscuro, no lo he reseñado todavía porque aun no lo encuentro pero pronto lo hare. Lo colocamos en nuestra nueva Cafetera Daewoo y procedimos a colarlo!



Mis impresiones del café Fruto Santo

En este espacio he reseñado 2 marcas importantes de café: Páramo de las cordillera andina y Amanecer de los llanos centrales, el sabor de este café es ciertamente más parecido al Páramo solo que tiene un dulce particular a caña de azúcar con notas de cacao, que le dan su sabor característico.



Y bien amigos como impresiones finales este café se encuentra a la altura de mis expectativas, tiene un aroma penetrante, buen sabor entre amargo y ese toque final dulce que me encanta, lo pongo a la par del Café Paramo Caribe pero por debajo de sus versiones Azabache y Catatumbo. Y con esta foto donde disfruto de mi café con panecillos mientras rankeo en splinterlands me despido, nos vemos en una próxima reseña que estoy todavía planeándola así que prefiero dejárselos como sorpresa. Feliz día y saludos!


Image references

History of Coffee in Caracas

The images for the reviews were taken from my Redmi 9c cell phone and the translation was done with the Deepl translate.

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I really like the slogan of this looks like a quality coffee. Thanks for the recommendation 😊👍🏽

!discovery 40


Hi Chacald, it's been a while! I'm glad you took the time to write to me. When they told me at the store that this coffee was from Merida, I didn't think twice.


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A virtual coffee shop, a warm community!

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You make these places historical and exciting to visit. Likewise, you make one want to go there to buy this type of coffee.
I don't think I've ever seen something historical like this, that is linked to coffee. Well, it's not that I'm a coffee state.
Although, we do drink good coffee.
The color and the presentation of the packaging look very good.


Thank you Rosmi for your comment! Caracas has many places that have incredible stories and among them coffee has a special place, that is why I try to find those places that have an important historical meaning. Best regards.


The coffee that you present to us looks very good, I imagine that the flavor is very good, I like the presentation of the packaging, it is very nice.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Excellent weekend.


Hello! Thank you very much for commenting, I sincerely appreciate your support. Best regards.
