The Violet City Dalaran (Eng(Esp)

Hello guys, how are you? I send greetings to the entire Gaming Photography community. Today I share with you my entry to the contest Weekly Contest - Theme: Interesting Buildings in Games. Which is about uploading screenshots of interesting buildings and when I saw this post I automatically remembered the city DALARAN from the game World of Warcraft mist of pandaria.
Hola chicos, como están les mando un saludo a toda la comunidad de Gaming Photography. El día de hoy les comparto mi entrada al concurso Weekly Contest - Theme: Interesting Buildings in Games. El cual se trata de subir capturas de pantalla de edificios interesantes y yo cuando vi este post automáticamente me acordé de la ciudad DALARAN del juego World of Warcraft mist of pandaria.

This city is floating and can be seen from a great distance, as it is quite large, it is located above the Crystalsong Forest in Northrend. It is a place that players frequent a lot when they go to Northrend, whether for transmog or doing quests.
Esta ciudad es flotante y se puede ver a una gran distancia, ya que es bastante grande, está situada sobre el Bosque Canto de Cristal en Rasganorte. Es un lugar que los jugadores frecuentan mucho cuando van a rasganorte, ya sea por transfiguración o hacer misiones.

As you can see, the place doesn't look very good, but I did my best to take a good shot, and I also took a shot of a beautiful tree that was in front of that place 😊
Como pueden ver el lugar no se ve muy bien, pero hice lo posible por tomarle una buena captura, además le tome una captura a un hermoso árbol que se encontraba en frente de ese sitio 😊

Although Dalaran doesn't look good from afar, things change when we get closer to it and we can see a very big change, these would be some shots from above.
Aunque dalaran no se vea bien de lejos, la cosa cambia cuando nos acercamos a ella y podemos ver un cambio muy grande, esta serían algunas capturas desde arriba.

And as we get closer, things get even better, this city brings back many memories, I passed by here many times when I wanted to do a transfiguration or go look for some pets for my hunter, they are undoubtedly unforgettable moments.
Y ya acercándonos la cosa se pone aún mejor, esta ciudad me trae muchos recuerdos, pasé muchas veces por aquí cuando quería hacer alguna transfiguración o ir a buscar algunas mascotas para mi cazador, sin duda son momentos inolvidables.

Here I share with you 2 selfies that I took while I was walking and reminiscing around the city and also looking for a good background to make the cover of this post although I didn't like any of these and I went somewhere else xD.
Por aquí les comparto 2 selfies que me tome mientras paseaba y recordaba por la ciudad y también buscando un buen fondo para hacer la portada de este post aunque ninguno de estos me gusto y me fui a otro lugar xD.

Finally, I show you an entrance through a well, which leads us to an underground place, which is where the players fight duels, since there are circular terrains that are perfect for them.
Ya por último les muestro una entrada mediante un pozo, la cual nos llega a un lugar subterráneo, el cual es donde los jugadores se baten a duelos, ya que hay terrenos en forma circular perfectos para ellos.

An extra fact is that you can reach this location through several entrances in the city.
Un dato extra es que se puede llegar a esta ubicación por varias entradas que hay en la ciudad.

And as you can see, it is a fairly large place and it is obvious that I was going to do it because of the large size of this space. By the way, this was one of my favorite captures.
Y como pueden ver es un sitio bastante grande y es que obvio que lo iba a hacer por el gran tamaño que tiene este espacio. Por cierto, esta fue unas de mis capturas favoritas.

And as you can see, this would be the place that, more than tunnels, seems like a civilization lived here hahaha, as you can see, you can see the circles where the players fight duels, from time to time I come to this place to fight a little and test my skills 😌.
Y como pueden ver este sería el lugar que más que túneles parece que una civilización viviera aquí jajaja como pueden ver se ven los círculos donde los jugadores se baten a duelos, una que otra vez viene a este lugar a pelear un poco y probar mis habilidades 😌.

With nothing more to contribute to the publication, I say goodbye and I hope you like it. Have a nice day bye.
Sin más nada que aportar a la publicación me despido y espero que sean de su agrado. Que tengan un bonito día chao.

All the images were taken from the game while I was playing.
Todas las imágenes fueron sacadas del juego mientras jugaba.
Awesome screenshots, this game has some really awesome stuff, thank you very much for participating, dalaran has always been a very beautiful city both in WOW and Warcraft 3.
Without a doubt my friend, whenever I play I find it fascinating how the human being could create this with so many details
Thank you very much for participating and we hope to see you in future contests, the captures you have shared with us are amazing, the city of dalaran from the heights looks great.
I'm glad you liked Dalaran, it's incredible, but there are other places that are much more beautiful.
The city looks great and the buildings have a peculiar shape but they look amazing anyway, best of luck in the contest ☺️
The violet city seems really violet. Haha. Good shots man.
@tipu curate 3
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 40/70) Liquid rewards.