Hello my people, I hope you are well! Today I'm sharing a new Shinobi Warfare video and today I will finally be taking the chunin exam which is quite complicated if you don't have good jutsus, but thank goodness I got things to complement my failure in these aspects.
¡Hola mi gente, espero que se encuentren muy bien! El día de hoy les comparto un nuevo video de Shinobi Warfare y es que hoy por fin estaré haciendo el examen chunin el cual es bastante complicado si no posees buenos jutsus, pero menos mal conseguí cosas para complementar mi falla en estos aspectos.

Without wasting much time I went to take the exam and while I was fighting I showed you that I have my first Kinjutsu, this one I got thanks to the fact that I had been saving the gems and well this one gives me a 40% dodge chance for 3 turns what I have Pretty good at being able to dodge all the attacks you can.
Sin perder mucho tiempo me fui de una hacer el examen y mientras luchaba les voy mostrando que poseo mi primer Kinjutsu este lo conseguí gracias a que había estado ahorrando las gemas y bueno este me da dodge chance en un 40% por 3 turnos lo que he bastante bueno para poder esquivar todos los ataques que se puedan.

Although I tell you that I have prepared myself, I must say that they still beat me up again and I tried the exam several times, but nothing worked... That is why I made the decision to do the normal chunin exam better, which would be a lot easier and could recruit friends.
Aunque les diga que me haya preparado, debo decir que igualmente me volvieron a dar una paliza e intente el examen varias veces, pero nada resultaba... Es por eso que tome la decisión de hacer mejor el examen chunin normal, el cual sería mucho más fácil y podría reclutar amigos.

At the beginning of the other exam there was an abysmal difference and even my normal attacks took a lot of life from my opponents and don't think it's because of the ops ninjas because those don't do any damage, I only bring them for filler xD. At this point I was complaining about why I was being too easy and I wasn't going to win the big deal, which is why even the final boss was beaten too easily.
Al comenzar el otro examen se vio una diferencia abismal e incluso mis ataques normales le bajaban mucha vida a mis oponentes y no crean que sean por los ninjas ops por qué esos no hacen nada de daño, solo los traigo para relleno xD. En este punto estaba renegando por qué estaba siendo muy fácil y no iba a ganar la gran cosa, por eso incluso el jefe final fue vencido muy fácil.

And well, after a while I was able to pass the chunin exam, becoming a much more prepared ninja now.
Y bueno, ya después de un rato pude aprobar el examen chunin convirtiéndome en un ninja much más preparado ahora.

But wait a minute, stop everything, at the end of the exam they gave me some tickets which allowed me to open a chest and guess what, among the many things they gave me I got a jutsu now I was super happy but..... This doesn't end here not only did I get one jutsu, but I got 2 🙂🙂
Pero un momento paren todo, al terminar el examen me dieron unos tickets los cuales me permitían abrir un cofre y adivinen que entre las tantas cosas que me dio obtuve un jutsu ahora si estaba supercontento pero........... Esto no termina aquí no solo conseguí un jutsu, sino que conseguí 2 🙂🙂

Well, guys, without anything else to say, I hope you find my video entertaining, don't forget to drink water and I hope you have a nice day.
Bueno, chicos sin más nada que decir, espero les parezca entretenido mi video, no olviden tomar agua y espero que tengan un lindo día.
All the images were taken from the game while I was playing.
Todas las imágenes fueron sacadas del juego mientras jugaba.
Now you can be a shinobi! 😁 This game reminds me of the old time Y8 website that allows you to play for free.
hahahaha now I'm a better ninja xD. Hey I don't know what that is :0
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Well, I found the game very cool, it gave me a lot of nostalgia when I played it on Facebook. It entertained me a lot. Best of luck climbing the ninja ladder.
thanks friend I play it out of nostalgia you know ninja saga was the best game on facebook
To be honest, I also agree.