It's Not News Anymore...

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Omo….when it comes to news, especially TV or radio news, it’s not something that I overly concern myself with. I’m pretty certain that by the time I got my first smartphone and had access to the beautiful world of the internet and movies, I really stopped caring about TV time.

Like everyone else, during my childhood, my parents decision held sway when it came to what we got to watch. As long as they were in the house and it was on the hour, you could bet that they would want to watch the news. Because at every hour of the day, in one station or the other, a newscaster is broadcasting something.


At that point, it didn’t even matter if majority of the news told at 4 PM is still the same as those told at 8 PM with only a few changes, so we’re basically watching the same thing. However, they never really cared. They were really interested in what the local TV stations had to say, even though they never really liked it. After all, hearing good news is kinda hard when it comes to local TV, or any TV when you come to think of it.

Back then, my parents started around seven at night and they would watch news across several stations until they started feeling a bit sleepy. Bouncing from one station to the other, from AIT, to NTA and Silverbird and even Galaxy and Channels. Soon, when we got cable, they started watching the 247 news channels like Channels, TVC, and Arise. The constant watching of news never really freaked me, especially when I figured out that they only tell you what they believe you should know, they never tell us everything.


The older I grew, the less interest I had in news and the sort. I’m quite active online, so anything of worth that happens, I’ll be sure to come across it online no matter what. On one social media platform or the other, I will definitely know. And with so many people talking about it, there will be so many materials to filter and figure out what the real deal really is. That’s how I’ve been coping so far, and it’s been keeping me okay.

Now, this doesn’t mean that I don’t watch news channels. I own a cable, although I’ve not subscribed to it because I find all the stations boring and they keep repeating shows. However, if I were to change my mind and subscribe all the same, it would be because of the news channels. It’s actually for business news. If there is one thing I enjoy listening to, it’s the business news. Especially those that have up to an hour's worth of content.


Arise TV and Channels show it, and they talk vastly about the business landscape of the country which for every adult planning to earn a living, should take an active interest. For other news that have to do with the government and happenings, I trust more in social media. However, for business news, I trust the local TV because when it comes to business, you can only trust social media at your own risk.

But then, another reason I’d subscribe is because of the debates. I love those morning debates that they do. Three of four people would have a round table discussion, perusing the newspaper headlines of the day and airing their thoughts of it. I enjoy shows like this, where people are simply speaking intelligently and giving their two cents. I fell in love with this during the pandemic of 2020; I spent it in the village and their light back then was quite reliable, so I didn’t miss any episode except I wanted to.


Sadly, the same is not the case here, and quite another reason for me not to subscribe. I can’t rely on the power holders to restore power every morning in time to watch the debate, nor every evening for the business news. I can’t also be turning on my generator for something like that. So, I simply just gave up on the decoder. So, it just lies fallow on my TV stand. And I have to say, I’ve really missed watching those shows. Having their voices booming through my speakers at high volume while I go about my chores is always kinda fun for me.

Well, so when was the last time I sat down to tune in to the news? It has to be years. Maybe in the last two or three years, I must say. Well, since I’ve found a way around it, I guess it doesn’t matter that much anymore.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you're thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the first topic of this week which is News On The Hour. Feel free to try it out.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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Truly, the news stations are not reliable when it comes to unbiased reportage. What I do is to rank the stations according to the bond they each share with the government. The closer a station is to the government, the more unreliable their reports. I don't watch NTA, TVC and the likes. I prefer Arise, Channels and some foreign news outlets reporting about Nigeria.


As in ehn... there are some news you'll hear you'll wonder how the anchors can say those things with a straight face.


Indeed, with the internet, TV news is practically no longer factual, as the factual content arrives online. Not to mention that, in reality, the raw truth is never told, depending on the bias of the media outlet... Nowadays, we really need to filter a lot and have a very critical sense.


Yeah... we have to careful about the news because at this point, no one cares about us. It's just pathetic.


I did not enjoy the news too back then. It was always one bad news after another. Same news repeated over and again, with missing bits from one newsroom to another.

I don't see the news on TV anymore. Social media does that job. Since I come across pages of people whose opinions on matters I believe to be neutral, I just read theirs and the comment/opinion of commenter. It's enough for me to get what I think truly is.


As in ehn... eventually, the monotony will get to you and it can be sickening. Social media has helped in some way but even that it's not 100% reliable.


I stopped news channels on TV because maximum of the news is biased and I think there is no benefit to watching it.
Hehe. I used to think how parents used to see the same news again and again when they ask me why I see the same movie 2 times. It's kind of a funny thing.


As in ehn... they're biased. News is just not for me, at least not for now.
