It All Worked Out...

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There is nothing quite like the glorious feeling of seeing everything you’ve worked hard for, fall into place for you. Knowing that the efforts you put into something is paying off exactly the way you planned it to, if not even more. And when it required you taking major risks, and it all ends up working in your favor, the feeling is always surreal.

Looking upon your success and feeling great about yourself. You won’t even be able to stop the pride because you know that you deserve every single thing that is coming to you. That is just how good it can be. This is a feeling that those who cut corners and those who try to cheat their way through life would never get. Because sometimes, the effort that you put in is what makes the success story so much sweeter.


So, for me, what am I going to talk about? A time when my efforts paid off in the way that I expected it to… I could talk about my time in school. However, I’ve already talked so much about it. By now, many people who read my blogs know the stress I went through just to make sure that I made it out, and thankfully, it all paid off.

So, I’ll talk about another part of my life. The most recent one that I can talk about happened not too long ago. Ever since I returned from Lagos, I had been making plans to take up some online courses so that I could get better at them. One such course that I took was Data Science and Analysis. For those who know it, it’s a pretty major course that involves a whole lot of programming, AI, and all that thingamajiggy…


However, learning the course wasn’t easy because I wanted to do it all online. And when I was ready to begin, I found out that I couldn’t pay for it because my debit card was Verve, which is what most banks in Nigeria offer. And most international platforms accept only Visa or Mastercard, which is not so popular.

To counter this, I had to open an account in GT Bank, a bank I was sure would give me a Mastercard, and after getting the account, getting the card still seemed to be difficult for me. Because, unlike other banks, it was automated and they had a machine for it. I had to go there multiple times before I finally got it. It was only then that I was able to pay for the class and I started learning it.

It wasn’t easy, doing it while also working. And now that I wasn’t going to a physical class, I was sitting at my desk for long hours. First to work, and then to study. Many times, I got carried away with work and forgot to follow up with my lessons, forcing me to study late into the night. Other times, I got carried away with my studies, forcing me to work late into the night. It wasn’t easy at all.


However, I was able to complete the course and as I write this now, I’m a certified Data Scientist. One of the things that baffles me the most about it is that many of the things I’ve come to learn, I never knew them before and I never imagined having to know them. Now that I’m looking to expand my portfolio, I’m interested in learning as much as I can to broaden my horizons.

However, for now, I simply want to be established in this field for now and know for real what I’m dealing with. I’ve come a long way from the person that I was in January and it always makes me happy to note that. There is still so much more to come, and I’ll be sure to break every boundary as I get to them. Truly, efforts can really equal result!


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the first topic of this week which is Efforts = Results. Feel free to try it out.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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It's amazing when effort pays off, it serves as a boost to keep pushing through challenges so when it comes to hard work, I don't negotiate with giving my all.

Your experience is fantastic and I am glad you could complete the course despite the struggle. In the end, it's worth it.
