Whatever happened to sanity?
I find the information sphere very confusing at the moment mainly because we all seem to be in our little bubbles and have sniffed our own farts for too long. When we eventually come up for some air and join mainstream society we quickly find that opinions and sentiment have moved on, have changed or are different -- mostly from everyone else being in their own bubbles.
And obviously that can be quite uncomfortable for some, dealing with the idea that the thing you've believed for several years could in fact be wrong. What we tend to do and act when our beliefs are challenged, and especially when we could be wrong can be quite telling.
Some deny it outright, claiming that no, it's actually you that's wrong. Giving themselves a circular reasoning pat on the back when they give you their answer. Some such reasoning can be things like, "You haven't studied Feminism like I have, therefor you are wrong" -- completely alluding to the fact that some of the fundamental principles of Feminism could be wrong.
I've always believed beliefs can and should be challenged whatever they are, and you should be challenging your own beliefs to see if they hold up to the scrutiny of whatever thrown at you. I'm forever playing the devils advocate with my own beliefs.
Life can sometimes be a bit like this I've found -- especially when arguing with my wife:
It's the only way to balance I think, then you're never ever brutally taken off guard and side swiped from the right and sent into a depressive swirl about how you've dedicated all of your life to one idea and in actual fact there are several out there.
And I think that's a point of healing actually - not getting to caught up in the ideas game. Understanding that ideas come and go and never to get too hooked on them. Don't base your entire self worth and your circle of life on them is what I'm basically trying to say, else you're going to run into a lot of problems.
It's the same with morals and ethics, sometimes they can be subjective. Like for example killing. Is killing wrong? Yes. Yes, I do believe it is.
But then say there's been a Nuclear blast and it's eviscerated humanity and we've been taken back to times pre-technology. There are three families in the area but only enough for one family to eat this day. Is killing wrong then? Will you let your kid starve so that someone else's kid can eat?
Of course this is a highly unlikely scenario but the idea that everything is somewhat subjective is true. The only reason that we've been able to grow to collaborate is that we've figured out a way to share resources over large and vast areas. Pre world trade life was quite a bit harsher, and it will be again if things go southward.
Don't think your neighbour will let their family starve so yours can eat, that just wont happen.
And that's why I take a very reactive view to life. Sure planning is needed, but I'm not a great planner, so I get other people to do it for me. There's no harm in having other people help you with what you're not that good at.
I'd love to see more people challenge their own beliefs and step outside their bubbles. Technology has not only opened up our access to our information but it's also doubled down on the need for us to be in a group -- and it seems that group thought bubbles are becoming a thing.
That's why I'm so big on hive and I expect I'll always be here. There's just no bubble thought here. We have access to it all, even sometimes the great rantings of gangstalking if he's still around! It's ready available for us to see!
Something as a whole will change dramatically and that scares me as a whole of that flaming unknown coming closer.