There be new Dragons on the Horizon!

new dragons.png

Many of you know that the most esteemed people in the man cave are the Dragons; those are people that own more than 1000 BRO. Quite a feat when you think about it. If you want to become one now it'll cost you a hefty 10,000 Hive at the very least.

That being said there are a lot of bonuses that come with being a Dragon. I give out first offers, airdrops, nfts, private rooms, any sort of leverage I get overall, then people with 1000 BRO or more get the good bits.

You also get unfettered access to our server, to create or mould in the way you see fit - granted most have left me to my own devices are there, but if a Dragon wanted to create their own room to do shit they love in it, then that's okay with me.

Basically, in short, it's a privilege being a Dragon in our server and you grab yourself a big shiny yellow badge to show to your friends that you're one of the cool kids. Hah.

That's why @tokenizedsociety managed it the other day. Newly borne to Dragonhood, he finds himself sitting at the top with everyone else that's in Yellow. What will he think of his new-found state? Time will tell.

But it's not only our Brazilian friend Token that's climbed the ranks from pleb to the senate, it's also @freecompliments who is only a couple of tens away from Dragonship. Will he make it? Time will tell.

I hear a lot from people that tell me it's not worth it to buy one now because the rise has come and gone, it's better to focus on one of our other tokens - which buying any of our other tokens is cool too. But remember, BRO is a sleeping Giant right now; there are several things we're working on that all feed back to BRO. It may seem like we've stopped, and it may seem like we've shut up shop for crypto winter but believe me we have been building hard.

If you look at @CineTV, BRO is regularly collecting cine token.
If you look at @wearelegion, BRO is regularly stacking up on Legion
If you look at Splinterlands our cards aren't just sitting there, no, we have a near full gladiator deck, many, many golds, and all sorts (thanks to @burlarj).

Lots to come, this is just the calm before the storm. Granted, it's a very big calm as we work in the background and quietly get stuff done in preparation for crypto spring, but BRO isn't dead, not by a long shot!

Next stop for @bozz, apart from the over 60's club, is a BRO Dragon haha. I jest Bozz, don't swear at me ;)


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 172 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Happy to be a Dragon and looking forward to the cool stuff BRO will continue to do!


Hey, if I hadn't been run off early on I might have had a chance to be one!
