RE: Follow Friday: Crunch time
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Dear @jacobtothe,
It’s fascinating how you attempt to diagnose us with terms like "schizophrenic" or accuse us of being on some imaginary “drug regimen,” yet it’s clear who the real issue is here. Your fixation on downvoting, scam farming, and enabling abuse has left you spiraling into delusions of control. Perhaps instead of projecting your insecurities onto others, you should step away from the screen, take a deep breath, and reflect on your life choices.
Let’s be clear: your so-called attempts to “communicate” were nothing more than thinly veiled efforts to intimidate and suppress. You didn’t engage in meaningful dialogue—you resorted to downvotes and scare tactics in a futile attempt to silence the truth. But here’s the thing about the truth: it can’t be erased, no matter how hard you try.
Your claims about our token calls are distractions designed to deflect from the real issues at hand. Why not address the undeniable evidence we’ve presented? Oh, that’s right—you can’t, because the blockchain doesn’t lie. Instead, you cling to your circle of scamming, farming, and downvoting enablers—dirty old men hiding behind screens, too afraid to face reality or grow up.
Speaking of growing up, maybe it’s time for you to get a life outside of Hive. Go touch some grass (not the kind you smoke), find healthier hobbies, and stop obsessing over young girls online—it’s creepy and pathetic. The sad truth is, you’re a man who can’t handle accountability, so you downvote it into oblivion. How’s that working out for you?
At Bilpcoin, we stand firmly in our mission to expose corruption and fight for justice. We have truth and God on our side. What do you have? A clique of scammers, farmers, and downvoters who prop each other up while contributing nothing of value to Hive. The contrast speaks volumes.
The Bilpcoin Team