Feeling Bitter?



When my wife and I were on our recent trip (do you remember where we went?), we stopped into a small corner store called Mad River Distillers. I didn't get many photos, but I'd have to categorize it as an upscale whiskey tasting room. @mrsbozz and I felt a bit underdressed, so we didn't venture too far into the establishment. Plus, she doesn't really care for whiskey, so there's that.

They had this wall display when you first walk into the store with all kinds of bitters. If you can read the sign on the wall, you might notice, they also give a brief explanation of what bitters are.

This isn't a whiskey post, but I felt this was a really good photo to use because quite honestly I have been feeling bitter lately. I'm sure that is seeping out to others around me and I feel bad about that, but try as I might, I just can't shake it.

Maybe it's the turn in the weather, but this just feels like one of those seasons in life where everything is going to crap. The truth is, most of the things that are making me bitter could probably be classified as "first world problems", but that doesn't make them any easier to shoulder.

This school year has been rough for @mrsbozz. I feel like we say that every school year, but it seems that each consecutive year is trying to one up the previous year. The kinds of things she has to deal with on a daily basis just boggle the mind. She needs nothing less than a week to catch up on her paperwork and just relax, but due to some other circumstances, the chances of that happening are slim.

Our dog Jovi is 14 years old now and with that age comes all kinds of health issues. Currently, she has a urinary tract infection which is causing her to pee all over the house. Imagine having a horrible day at work and all you want is to come home to your house to relax, but instead it smells like a barn and you spend the evening cleaning up pee and poo.

We've tried to corale Jovi in the kitchen on the laminate floor so that cleanup will be easier but she is freaking Houdini and she keeps finding a way to get out. I think that is what confounds me the most. It's not that she is messing all over the house, because she can't control that, it's the fact that she keeps outsmarting me and escaping from the kitchen!

She is so freaking smart!

Finally, you might remember about a month ago I hit a deer with @mrsbozz's new car. We are still waiting on that to get repaired. I called the other day and it sounds like they have everything done but the fender and GM says the part is backordered and they don't have an ETA on when it will be available.

Like I said, first world problems, but I never would have guessed getting by with only one vehicle would be so difficult. In addition to that, we have various obligations that keep popping up pulling us in opposite directions. It's actually good that we took our trip to Vermont when we did. I can't imagine how depleted we would be if we didn't get that quick recharge at the end of October.

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It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the Leo community.

All my whining and complaining aside, it is Friday, so it is only right I should talk about some finance, and boy is there a lot to talk about this week!

BTC over $37,000, that's something I didn't think we would seen until next year. Then we have HIVE reaching towards the $.40 mark! I think it is safe to say the excitement is starting to build.

CLUB Token

In case you missed it, the CLUB token from the Daily Dab project is now available for sale. At 30 HBD per token, it isn't cheap, but the benefits that you get for holding the token are pretty impressive. Especially if you are a member of the BRO community and you want to get invested in some of the stuff they have going on.

They have indicated there is a very small and limited supply of the CLUB tokens. If you are even on the fence about it, you should probably just go ahead and do it. Do your own research of course, but if you take too long, you might be too late.

A Polish Surprise

I'll finish this post with something a little lighter given the mood and tone of the first part of the post. I saw this article the other day about some guys who were metal detecting in Poland and they ended up finding a container with about $24,000 worth of gold coins in it.

If you are a member of the sliver/gold community, this is a fun story that you should check out. If you don't feel comfortable clicking the link above to view the story on Yahoo News, just do a search for metal detecting poland or something like that and I am sure you will find it.

The container had 70 gold coins in all and I am guessing several of them weren't 100% gold if the total value was only $24,000 given the current price of gold. Either that or many of the coins weigh far less than an ounce. I guess that makes more sense.

Actually, now that I read it again, I see that the total cache weighed 14 ounces. That definitely makes more sense.

I remember as a young kid looking at the metal detectors in the Christmas catalogs and always wondering how cool it would be to own one. I never did buy one, but I did get to use one and although I didn't find anything as cool as a stash of gold coins, it was still a fun experience.

As always, I want to take a second this Friday before I sign off to remind you if you have extra witness vote to throw one @nuthman's way. He recently started a witness server and he is looking for some support. Within a week of his server being online, he has already fixed the price feed (something many other still haven't fixed) and he resurrected one of the tools he fixed for that old blockchain.

He definitely deserves your vote!

Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


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I think of 'bitter' as something different. I often drink a pint of it at the pub :)

Interesting times for crypto, but I think Hive is doing okay for now. Plenty going on here.



Yeah, it is a good place to be right now!


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Series of events getting in. I am sorry, mrsbozz is going through that much. It isn't easy getting back from a stressful work day and meeting up with other stressful household chores. I really hope things get better and about the car... I don't even know what to say.

I hope things get better for you guys


Thanks, I appreciate it! As I said, in the grand scheme of things, these are pretty minor, but they still wear you down.


It will be so cool to see Hive get to the $0.4 mark and I want it to go higher and higher
The bull run is becoming more interesting


If this is your first time here, you are in for a great ride! Just be sure to make smart moves and take profits when you can. Put them somewhere safe and wait for the next bear market, don't got spending them all!


Dogs can be very smart, too bad to hear she's having health issues. As they get old it always happens sadly. It's no fun cleaning up the messes after a long day, I hear you there! After that you will want a glass of whiskey!

That really sucks that it's taking so long on the car. Getting by on one car for a family isn't an easy task. I wonder if it's just still back ordered from the strike? No fun...

Now I would have love to have found that stash in Poland! The funny thing is there are stashes all over Europe, and stashes all over the US as well. It's just a matter of getting lucky. It's fun to head out with your detector, most of the time you find junk but every now and again you find some cool stuff or old jewelry.


Yeah, she is so smart. We will see if she outsmarted me again when we get home. I will definitely be having a whiskey tonight either way! I don't know about the car, I just know it is frustrating. We should have just ponied up the money and gotten a rental. I bet you go wandering around some old homesteads after the great depression where people didn't trust banks anymore, you can probably find some really good stuff!


Yeah having some first-world leakage problems and a messed up insurance myself, so annoying but indeed just imagine being stuck as an old person in Gaza atm and our problems fade away.

My dog ...well my son's dog which I have been taking care of for the last seven years is 16 now and still going strong but I worry about him getting issues and my wooden floor......

Well anyway glad to read we face similar problems that make me feel less alone in the first world poo. Is it normal that we stress more about these probs the older we get or is that just me??? !LOLZ


I think that's just part of being around long enough to know what's important and what isn't. We know we are going to need to replace our carpet, but we had planned on waiting until Jo was no longer with us. I told my wife the other day that she could be around for another two or three years, so I don't know if we can really wait. I'm looking into some vinyl plank that is waterproof. Just need to get my budget in order. Maybe once the bull run hits! I agree with you though, when you consider the people in Israel and Gaza, it's pretty trivial.


Trivial but still annoying!


As I think I've mentioned to you before, much of my family in the US are public school teachers, so I know all about the hardship going on over there with that career choice. It sucks that it just keeps getting worse and worse. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it will get better anytime soon. Right wing radicals, which seems to be the entire party these days, just keep trying to cut school funding even more. I just read a story the other day that challenges to both school books and topics taught are being challenged more than ever, making yet another headache for teachers.

I wish your wife the best of luck navigating the chaos!


Thanks, I appreciate it. Yeah, this new parents bill of rights stuff is getting out of hand. I'm all for government not being so involved in our schools, but this micromanaging by people who have zero clue isn't any better. Then you have federal and state guidelines that make it nearly impossible to place special needs students appropriately.


I hope you dog gets back on the mend - poor thing. But she must still be quite spritely if she can still escape from the kitchen !


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Yeah, her energy and appetite doesn't seem to be a problem, but her body is giving out on her. The will is strong ,but the body is weak!


Hope the car is fixed soon, lucky day for guys finding coins, something good for a change to hear.

Thanks for updates, hopefully better outlook in crypto soon.



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